Feeding and weaning

Feeding a new baby can be overwhelming at first. These websites give advice for new parents on feeding your baby and then when to move on to weaning.
Breastfeeding and bottle feedinghttps://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/23095/Breastfeeding-and-bottle-feeding
Advice from the NHS on breastfeeding, bottle feeding and mixed feeding. Including guidance to help you whichever option you choose and hints and tips from other...
Food allergies in babieshttps://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/23099/Food-allergies-in-babies
Some babies and young children have allergic reactions. The NHS has guidance on how to tell if your child has an allergy and what do.
How to bottle feed your babyhttps://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/23097/How-to-bottle-feed-your-baby
Helpful tips for new mothers on how to bottle feed their baby.
How to breast feed your babyhttps://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/23096/How-to-breast-feed-your-baby
Helpful tips for new mothers on how to breast feed their baby.
Reflux is common and usually gets better on its own. The NHS has guidance on how to check if your baby has reflux and how to treat it.
Weaning and feedinghttps://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/23100/Weaning-and-feeding
Information for parents on how to move on to solid foods and drinks, meal ideas, fussy eaters and food safety.