Education and Learning

Useful websites for parents of primary school aged children on choosing the right school, school attendance, home schooling and school meals.
Check the performance of schools
Search for primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges near you, and check their performance.
Free school meals (pupil premium)
Reasons to apply for free school meals and who qualifies.
Gateshead school meals menu
View both the Primary and Secondary school menus at Gateshead schools.
Home education useful websites
Links to websites that parents may find useful when home educating their children.
Home school
Information on both part time and full-time home schooling.
Home to school transport
Information on home to school transport, including the eligibility criteria and how to apply.
School admissions
Information about primary school admissions in Gateshead including applications through Gateshead's Online Parent Portal.
School admissions (primary)
Information about applying for a primary school place and the school admission process.
School admissions (secondary)
Information about applying for a primary school place and the school admission process.
School attendance
Information on absences, exclusions and attendance at school.
School meals
Information on Gateshead School catering, free school meals, cash free payments and dietary requirements.