Young people's health and wellbeing

Useful websites to support young people with their health and wellbeing including their physical and mental health.
Children's mental health
Find out how to look after your child's mental health, as well as useful ways to support and ways to spot if you child is struggling.
Children's Society
The Children's Society offer a range of mental health resources for young people.
Depression in children and young people
Find out how to spot the signs of depression in young people and view the information on when to get medical help.
Kooth Mental health support
Free, safe and anonymous mental health support for young people.
Little Book of Useful Stuff
Help for young people aged 13+ to keep safe, stay healthy and make informed decisions in their lives.
Mental health for children and young people
Find advice and support about mental health for children, teenagers, students and parents.
Mental health for teens
Find advice and support about mental health for teenagers.
Sexual health
Find out more about sexual health. There is both local and online resources covering safe sex and sexual wellbeing.
Student stress
View the NHS guidance on identifying and dealing with stress.
Teenage health - puberty
Childline offers information for young people on their bodies and the changes to expect during puberty.
Teenage pregnancy - Gateshead Sexual Health
More information from Gateshead Sexual Health on the pregnancy and support options that are available
Teenage pregnancy - Young Women's Outreach Project
The Young Womens Outreach Project are available for young women and young mothers to support them through crises within their lives.
Young minds
Young minds offers advice and resources on several topics from feelings, mental health conditions and how to support a friend.