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Nursery admissions

If you wish to apply for a school nursery place in a Gateshead school you must contact the school directly. They will let you know what the procedures are to apply and when you will find out if a place is available.

Once your child turns 2 years of age you should start to think about applying for a place at a school nursery. Children are normally admitted to school nurseries from the start of the school term following their third birthday.

Some school nurseries may be oversubscribed with applications and may not be able to allocate a place to every one that applies and you may therefore also wish to consider applying to more than one school nursery. Schools apply their own admission policy and apply their criteria/rules for their nursery admissions and their decision is final.

Not all primary and infant schools in Gateshead have a school nursery. View a list of schools with nurseries in Gateshead (PDF, 64 KB)(opens new window).

Your child's attendance at a school nursery does not guarantee your child a place in the reception class of the same school. Your application form will be considered against the school's admission criteria with no regard to the nursery that your child attends.

In the event that you are unable to secure a school nursery place please contact the Family Information service on 0191 433 5118 for further information on private early years providers.

Ofsted inspections

Ofsted are changing the way they inspect and report on schools. Find out about the Education Inspection Framework (opens new window) and how the changes might effect you as a parent/guardian.