Blaydon Winlaton Family Hub

Term Time Activities: Monday 3rd March - Friday 11th April 2025
Free play drop in, starts 13 Jan
Our atrium is available for you to drop in and enjoy some quality play time with your child and make new friends. 0-5 years,
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
Busy bees, Bloom
A fun, musical baby development class encouraging fine motor skills, gross motor skills, speech & language development and body awareness. There is also a different, fun theme every week and Makaton signing! 6-15 mths.
Charges apply, please contact Bloom to book your place: 07792591979 or email
Song time all ages
Song Time is a fun and enriching session where we explore songs and rhymes with children of all ages. Fee free to join us for free play and refreshments after the session. Why not bring a packed lunch for your little one so the children can all enjoy lunch together after the session.
Caterpillar club, Bloom
Join the fun as soon as you and little one feel ready! A gentle baby development class encouraging bonding. Our Caterpillar class awakens babies first senses and stimulates in a fun, yet soothing way, using music, sensory props and sensory lights. These encourage gross motor skills and body awareness. There is also a different fun theme every week.
We end the class teaching baby massage leaving your baby ready for a long nap. 0-6 mths
Charges apply, please contact Bloom to book your place: 07792591979 or email
Sensory kidz
Introduction to Children's Centres for families with disabled children. A welcoming space for families to come together. Suitable activities for the children delivered by experienced staff. Support, advice and signposting - other Children's Centre activities and services may be suitable with our support. 0-5 years SEND session
Free play drop in
Our atrium is available for you to drop in and enjoy some quality play time with your child and make new friends. 0-5 years
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
Toddler yoga, Kalma Life
Our Kalma Toddler yoga sessions are the building blocks of creating confident and creative yogis. It can help to build resilience and immunity with lots of multi sensory fun for busy and energetic toddlers. During a typical class children can learn new yoga stretches from downward dogs to handstands as well as a high degree of fitness and developmental activities. Often a group activity is a focus with a prop or a story during sessions. We keep the same approach as all other Kalma baby yoga classes with music songs and props and they are structured in the same way with 45 minutes of yoga, and relaxation at the end. crawling-3 years Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Baby yoga, Kalma Life
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants. 6 weeks-crawling Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Social superstars, Bloom
Bloom Toddler Classes is a follow on programme from award winning Bloom Baby Classes!
Through a range of singing, dancing and a new theme to explore every week, your toddler or preschooler is building confidence, learning about the world around them and reaching those important learning milestones all through fun and interactive play! Charges apply. To book please contact 07792 591 979
Baby developmental massage, Kalma Life
The language of love through touch. It is truly a lovely bonding experience for parent and child giving the chance to learn the art of touch and speak your baby's language. Our award winning classes teach parents techniques to aid in the relief of common infant ailments such as sleeplessness, colic, constipation and digestion in a safe and stimulating environment. Sessions show the correct use of massage to develop circulatory and breathing rhythms and introduce easy tummy time for older babies. Develop your baby's muscle strength and flexibility while you learn the correct way to introduce and help aid sitting and standing. You will learn the correct oils to use for massage and learn easy massage sequences including singing, playing, kissing and talking. (One bottle of massage oil is included with the cost of your booking). 6 weeks-6 mths. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Baby yoga, Kalma Life
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants. 6 weeks-crawling. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Free play drop In
Our atrium is available for you to drop in and enjoy some quality play time with your child and make new friends. 0-5 years
Bright futures
Bright Futures is a group for young parents (under the age of 25) and their children (under the age of 5) which offers an opportunity to meet other parents in a safe, non-judgemental, child friendly environment. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support Childrens physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills.
Toddler yoga, Kalma Life
Our Kalma Toddler yoga sessions are the building blocks of creating confident and creative yogis. It can help to build resilience and immunity with lots of multi sensory fun for busy and energetic toddlers. During a typical class children can learn new yoga stretches from downward dogs to handstands as well as a high degree of fitness and developmental activities. Often a group activity is a focus with a prop or a story during sessions. We keep the same approach as all other Kalma baby yoga classes with music songs and props and they are structured in the same way with 45 minutes of yoga, and relaxation at the end. crawling-3 years. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
SEND Lego club 11th March (runs every 4 weeks)
Children and young people aged 8+ with additional needs - come along and build! Parents and carers welcome. Drop in - no booking required.
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
Toddler yoga, Kalma Life
Our Kalma Toddler yoga sessions are the building blocks of creating confident and creative yogis. It can help to build resilience and immunity with lots of multi sensory fun for busy and energetic toddlers. During a typical class children can learn new yoga stretches from downward dogs to handstands as well as a high degree of fitness and developmental activities. Often a group activity is a focus with a prop or a story during sessions. We keep the same approach as all other Kalma baby yoga classes with music songs and props and they are structured in the same way with 45 minutes of yoga, and relaxation at the end. crawling-3 years. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Baby time
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Newborn-walking
Baby yoga, Kalma Life
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants. 6 weeks-crawling. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Free play drop In
Our atrium is available for you to drop in and enjoy some quality play time with your child and make new friends. 0-5 years
Infant massage
Infant massage is a 5 week course to learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Comfy clothing is advisable and on booking please inform of any medical issues. Booking essential. 0-1 years
Free play drop in
Our atrium is available for you to drop in and enjoy some quality play time with your child and make new friends. 0-5 years
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
Well child clinic and infant feeding group with stay and play session
Health advice including breastfeeding, hygiene, weaning, nutrition and safety. Stay and play also available at this clinic providing an opportunity for parents/carers and children to play before and after seeing the Health Visitor. Experienced staff are on hand offering parenting advice and support as well as facilitating music, rhymes and sensory play.
Benefits, training and education advice drop in
Toddler time drop in
Toddler Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their toddlers. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support Childrens physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills.
Mum's talk, Gateshead Talking Therapies
Suitable for mothers with a baby under the age of 2 years. The course covers topics such as expectations of motherhood and strategies to manage depression and anxiety. Referral only.
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
QUIT clinic
QE maternity unit, appointment only , fortnightly from 7 March
Sensory kidz
Introduction to Children's Centres for families with disabled children. A welcoming space for families to come together. Suitable activities for the children delivered by experienced staff. Support, advice and signposting - other Children's Centre activities and services may be suitable with our support. 0-5 years SEND session
Baby yoga, Kalma Life
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants. 6 weeks-crawling. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Toddler yoga, Kalma Life
Our Kalma Toddler yoga sessions are the building blocks of creating confident and creative yogis. It can help to build resilience and immunity with lots of multi sensory fun for busy and energetic toddlers. During a typical class children can learn new yoga stretches from downward dogs to handstands as well as a high degree of fitness and developmental activities. Often a group activity is a focus with a prop or a story during sessions. We keep the same approach as all other Kalma baby yoga classes with music songs and props and they are structured in the same way with 45 minutes of yoga, and relaxation at the end. Crawling-3 years Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Baby yoga, Kalma Life
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants. 6 weeks-crawling. Charges apply. To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or
Sensory room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential, £1 per child for 1 hour. 0-5 years
Benefits drop In for caregivers
3rd Friday of month, 1.30-3.00
Change, Grow, Live 1-1's appointment only
Other activity at Blaydon Winlaton Family Hub
Autism Information Hub
The Autism Information Hub is available to anyone with an interest in autism - parents/carers/family members, professionals, practitioners, or individuals with autism, with or without a diagnosis. For more details visit the Gateshead Autism Hubs website.
Autism Parenting Support Group
The Autism Information Hub is available to anyone with an interest in autism - parents/carers/family members, professionals, practitioners, or individuals with autism, with or without a diagnosis. For more details visit the Gateshead Autism Hubs website.
Autism Hub Multi Agency Drop-in
9.30-11.00 Autism hub multi agency drop in, 13 March only
Blaydon Pre-School Nursery School at Blaydon Winlaton Family Hub
Welcome to our friendly, caring nursery where we aim to provide childcare of the highest quality for children aged 2 - 4 years old. At Blaydon Pre School Nursery children learn through play, our experienced and qualified staff provide support and guidance to support learning and development. We have a safe, enabling and child centred environment which supports children to explore their surroundings and promotes their independence.
0191 414 5206
Family voice
Friday 7th March
First Aid Skills
9 out of 10 parents don't know the basic first aid skills that could save their baby's life. The session will cover * how to perform an initial check on a baby or child * how to perform CPR * what to do if your baby is choking * what to do if your baby has been drowning. Our aim is to make parents and carers feel confident to stay calm and able to help a baby or child safely in an emergency. Booking is essential.
First Words Together
First Words Together provides parents/carers and children the opportunity to enjoy rhymes, stories and games. The activities help baby or toddler learn to talk and provide parents/carers with ideas for supporting communication. Booking is essential.
Term time only, suitable from 1 to 2 years
HENRY supports families to provide the best possible start in life for babies and children.
Holiday activities
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.
Mum's Talk
Suitable for mothers with a baby under the age of 2 years. The course covers topics such as expectations of motherhood and strategies to manage depression and anxiety. For further information and booking please contact
Parenting Programme
Being a parent can be tough. These group programmes are aimed at improving family relationships.
Saturday Club
Providing respite for families and social opportunities, physical activity, sensory and creative play for children referred by the Children With Disabilities team.
Stay and Play
Stay and play is available alongside the health and wellbeing clinic. Experienced staff are on hand offering parenting advice and support as well as facilitating music, rhymes and sensory play.
Toy Library
The Toy Library works just like a normal library. We have hundreds of high quality toys ranging from sensory toys and activity centres for babies, role play for toddlers to outdoor activities for older children.
Blaydon Winlaton Family Hub
Shibdon Bank
NE21 5EZ 433 5579
Friday 9am-4.30pm