Toilets, baby changing and changing facilities
Meeting and function rooms
What's on offer
Our Felling Family Hub offers a full programme of activities for all ages from birth onwards. Where booking is essential please call 0191 433 5648 to book a place. For further information about anything on offer at Felling Family Hub email familyhubs@gateshead.gov.uk. View the Felling Children's Centre Ofsted report.
Term Time:
Childminders Group
A group for childminders to come together to share childminding experiences and support each other while the children play in a safe and stimulating environment. Birth to 5 years.
Monday, 9.15am to 11.30am (term time only)
Soft Play
Our soft play activity provides the opportunity for children to play in a safe environment. Birth to 5 years. Booking is essential. £1 per child.
9.30am to 10.30am (term time only)
Toddler Yoga (Kalma Life)
Our Kalma Toddler Yoga sessions are the building blocks of creating confident and creative yogis. It can help to build resilience and immunity with lots of multi sensory fun for busy and energetic toddlers. During a typical class children can learn new yoga stretches from downward dogs to handstands as well as a high degree of fitness and developmental activities. Often a group activity is a focus with a prop or a story during sessions. We keep the same approach as all other Kalma baby yoga classes with music songs and props and they are structured in the same way with 45 minutes of yoga, and relaxation at the end.
10.00-10.45am (term time only)
To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or emma@gatesheadwest.kalmalifeuk.co.uk
Baby Yoga (Kalma Life)
We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end which is always well earned! In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants.
11.15am-12.00pm (term time only)
To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or emma@gatesheadwest.kalmalifeuk.co.uk
Baby Developmental Massage (Infant Massage - Kalma Life)
Suitable from 6 weeks - 6 months. The language of love through touch. It is truly a lovely bonding experience for parent and child giving the chance to learn the art of touch and speak your baby's language. Our award winning classes teach parents techniques to aid in the relief of common infant ailments such as sleeplessness, colic, constipation and digestion in a safe and stimulating environment.
Sessions show the correct use of massage to develop circulatory and breathing rhythms and introduce easy tummy time for older babies. Develop your baby's muscle strength and flexibility while you learn the correct way to introduce and help aid sitting and standing. You will learn the correct oils to use for massage and learn easy massage sequences including singing, playing, kissing and talking. (One bottle of massage oil is included with the cost of your booking).
1.00-1.45pm (term time only)
To book please contact Emma Bell 07581359585 or emma@gatesheadwest.kalmalifeuk.co.uk
Soft Play for dad's and male carers
Soft play sessions for dads and male carers with children upto age 5 years, provides an opportunity for children to play in a safe environment - Under 25s supported by NEYDL once a month.
First Words Together is a 5 week course providing parents/carers and children (birth - 2 years) the opportunity to enjoy rhymes, stories and games. The activities help baby or toddler learn to talk and provide parents/carers with ideas for supporting communication. Booking is essential.
10.00am-11.00am (term time only)
Intergenerational Tea and Toast
Join us at Felling Family Hub for our intergenerational tea and toast drop in sessions, come along for a chat and free refreshments every Tuesday afternoon, suitable for all ages.
1.30pm to 3.00pm (term time only)
Toddler Time
Toddler Time sessions are suitable from walking to preschool, sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support children's physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills.
9.30am to 11.00am (term time only)
Autism Information Hub
The Autism Information Hub is available to anyone with an interest in autism - parents/carers/family members, professionals, practitioners, or individuals with autism, with or without a diagnosis. For more details visit the Gateshead Autism Hubs website.
9.30am to 11.30am - selected dates only (26th March, 30th April and 25th June)
Creative Play
Free creative fun for under 5 year olds ran by Felling Volunteer Library
10.30am to 11.30am (term time only). Contact 0191 433 6402
Baby Time
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Booking is essential.
9.30am to 11.00am, newborn to walking confidently (term time only)
Rhyme Time
Rhymes and songs for children under 5 years at Felling Volunteer Library.
10.30am to 11.30am (term time only). Contact 0191 433 6402
SEND Soft Play
An introduction to Family Hubs for families with children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A welcoming space for families to come together in a relaxed and safe environment.
1.00pm-2.30pm (term time only)
Soft Play
Our soft play activity provides the opportunity for children to play in a safe environment. Birth to 5 years. Booking is essential. £1 per child.
9.30am to 2.30pm (term time only)
SataDads is for Dads, Step Dads, Grandads and other Male Carers and their children aged under 8 years (older siblings also welcome). The session is FREE and includes games, crafts, soft play, sensory room and refreshments.
You do not need to book. Just drop in and enjoy the fun.
10.00am to 12.00pm (22nd March only)
Other activity at Felling Family Hub
Felling Volunteer Library
Felling Volunteer Library aims to advance the education of the public in Felling and surrounding areas by the provision of a library facility and service.
Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm. Contact 0191 433 6402
Holiday Activities
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.