Toilets, baby changing and changing facilities
Meeting and function rooms
What's on offer
Our Teams Family Hub offers a full programme of activities for all ages from birth onwards. Where booking is essential please call 0191 433 6310 to book a place. For further information about anything on offer at Teams Family Hub email familyhubs@gateshead.gov.uk.
Open Monday to Friday
Our sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Suitable from birth to 5 years. Booking is essential.
Timeslots available between 9.30am to 3.30pm, subject to availability.
Term time activities
Spring Term 2 from Monday 3rd March 2025 to 11th April 2025
First Words Together
First Words Together provides parents/carers and children the opportunity to enjoy rhymes, stories and games. The activities help baby or toddler learn to talk and provide parents/carers with ideas for supporting communication. Booking is essential.
1.30-2.30pm (term time only)
Toddler Time
1.30 - 3.00pm (term time only).
Toddler Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their toddlers. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support Childrens physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. Suitable for 1 to 3 years. No booking required.
Antenatal Services
3.30 - 7.30pm
Sessions preparing for birth and parenthood. All sessions free of charge, couples welcome. Recommended from 34 weeks of pregnancy.
Baby Time
10.00 - 11.30am - Newborn to walking (term time only)
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Booking essential.
Health and Wellbeing Clinic
1.00 - 2.30pm - birth to 19 years.
Health advice including breastfeeding, hygiene, weaning, nutrition and safety. Appointments only, to book please contact 03000 031 918, email Spoc.hdftgateshead@nhs.net or message via Facebook, Growing Healthy 0-19 Gateshead.
Stay and Play
Stay and play is available alongside the health and wellbeing clinic. Experienced staff are on hand offering parenting advice and support as well as facilitating music, rhymes and sensory play.
Brick Buddies
Sessions for Dads and Male carers of all ages. Building with lego.
4-5pm (term time only)
Sensory Room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking essential.
1hour sessions)
Infant Massage
Learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Booking essential.
Bright Futures
Bright Futures is a group for young parents (under the age of 25) and their children (under the age of 5) which offers an opportunity to meet other parents in a safe, non-judgemental, child friendly environment. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support children's physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. Booking is essential.
Play Time
Come along to our play time sessions and have a cuppa & biscuits, watch your children have fun, using their imagination whilst playing with toys and being creative.
1.30-2.30pm (term time only) suitable from 0 to 5years
Other activity at Teams Family Hub
First Aid Skills
9 out of 10 parents don't know the basic first aid skills that could save their baby's life. The session will cover * how to perform an initial check on a baby or child * how to perform CPR * what to do if your baby is choking * what to do if your baby has been drowning. Our aim is to make parents and carers feel confident to stay calm and able to help a baby or child safely in an emergency.
The session is free, but booking is essential.
Introducing Solid Food Sessions
Find out more about introducing solid food to your baby.
Incredible Babies
Builds a positive relationship between parents and baby through listening, observing, bonding and demonstrating warm/tactile behaviours. Group Format. Booking essential via 0191 433 5129 or parenting@gateshead.gov.uk
Maternity Services
Our highly skilled, caring team of professionals are here to support and guide you at all stages of pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period.
Holiday Activities
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.