
Useful websites for parents and carers about childcare options in Gateshead and including financial support to pay for childcare.
Becoming a childminder
Find out what you need to do to become a childminder.
Brighten the day (holiday activities and food)
Free activities for children and families during the school holidays, thanks to Government Funding from the Department for Education's Holiday Activities and Fo...
Concerns about a childcare provider
What to do if you have concerns about a childcare provider and how to make a complaint.
Find a childcare provider
Search for childcare in Gateshead in the Gateshead Families Information Service Directory.
Find before and after school holiday clubs
Search for before and after school clubs and holiday play schemes in your area. They can be run by a school, or a private or voluntary organisation.
Free 30 hours childcare allowance
Details of the 30 hours free childcare entitlement for working families.
Free early education and childcare (three and four years old)
Details of eligibility for 15 hours of free early education and childcare for three and four year olds.
Free early education and childcare (two year olds)
Details of eligibility for 15 hours of free early education and childcare for two year olds.
Help paying for childcare
Information highlighting what financial support is available to help you pay for childcare including Tax Credits, help while you study and tax-free childcare.