Toilets, baby changing and changing facilities
Meeting and function rooms
Sports and games sports hall
Sports and games sport hall
What's on offer
Leam Lane Family Hub offers activities for all ages from birth onwards. Where booking is essential please call 0191 433 5666 to book a place. For further information about anything on offer at Leam Lane Family Hub email familyhubs@gateshead.gov.uk.
Term Time:
Health and Wellbeing Clinic
Health advice including breastfeeding, hygiene, weaning, nutrition and safety. Suitable from birth to 19 years. Appointments only, to book please contact 03000 031 918, email Spoc.hdftgateshead@nhs.net or message via Facebook, Growing Healthy 0-19 Gateshead
9.30am - 11.00am
Toddler Time
Toddler Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their toddlers. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support children's physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. Suitable from walking. No booking required.
1.30pm - 3.00pm (term time only)
Baby Time
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Booking is essential.
9.30am - 10.30am (suitable from birth to sitting) term time only 10.45am - 11.45am (suitable from sitting to crawling) term time only
Sensory Room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential.
1.30pm - 3.30pm (term time only)
Early Words Together
Early Words Together helps parents support their young child's literacy and language development. Delivered to a small group of families with Children aged 3-4 years over a 6 week programme within a school setting. It empowers parents to develop and enrich the home learning environment and support their child's early language and literacy. Booking is essential.
1.30pm - 2.30pm (term time only)
Unity & The Community Music Group
Come along and join our free weekly music group, everyone welcome. Facilitated by Embells, Age UK and Gateshead Family Hubs.
Intergenerational Tea and Toast Morning
As a community what better way to come together than over the breaking of bread. Have a cuppa, a bit of breakfast and a chat.
9.30am - 11.00am (term time only)
Infant Massage
Learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Booking is essential.
1.30pm to 2.30pm, babies from 6 weeks (term time only)
Sensory Room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential.
1.30pm - 3.30pm (term time only)
Baby Messy Time
Messy Time is a drop in session for babies from birth to crawling to explore all things messy! Please wear old clothes and bring spares to change into so that you get messy. Booking is essential, spaces are limited.
9.30 - 10.30am (term time only)
Sensory Room
Sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Booking is essential.
9.30am - 3.30pm (term time only)
Sensory Babies
Sensory Babies is a safe place for babies to play to help support the development of their senses. Suitable from birth to crawling, booking is essential, spaces are limited.
9.30 - 11.00am (term time only)
Feel Good Friday
Feel good Friday is a drop in session for parents of all ages, an opportunity to reflect on how your week has been, take a little time out for yourself before the weekend begins.
1.30 - 3.00pm (term time only)
Rhyme Time
Rhymes and songs for children under 5 years at Leam Lane Library. For more information call 0191 433 6428.
10.30 - 11am
Other activity at Leam Lane Children's Centre
Gateshead Libraries
Gateshead Libraries provide a wide range of services and activities. For more information call 0191 433 6428
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.
Spring Nurseries by Action for Children
Spring by Action for Children are a modern, award-winning childcare brand offering extended childcare services from birth. For more information call 0191 438 6159.
Stay and Play
Stay and play is available alongside the health and wellbeing clinic. Experienced staff are on hand offering parenting advice and support as well as facilitating music, rhymes and sensory play.