Wrekenton Family Hub
What's on offer
Wrekenton Family Hub offers a programme of activities from birth onwards. Where booking is essential please call 0191 433 5052 to book a place. For further information about anything on offer at Wrekenton Family Hub email familyhubs@gateshead.gov.uk.
Term Time activities
Feel Good Monday
Feel Good is a drop in session for parents of all ages, an opportunity reflect on the weekend and think about the week ahead. Take a little time out for yourself.
9.30 - 11am (term time only)
Baby Time
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Booking is essential.
9.30 - 11am, Suitable from birth to 1 year.
Young Dads Stay and Play
Sessions ran by North East Lads N Dads Freeplay in the hall with refreshments
Toddler Time
Toddler Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their toddlers. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support Childrens physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. No booking required.
9.30 - 11am, Suitable from 1 to 3 years.
Infant Massage
Learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Booking is essential.
Messy Time
Exploring all things messy from food/paint/natural resources. Please wear old clothes and bring spares to change so that can get messy. No need to book just drop in and let's use our senses to explore and have fun.
9.30 - 11am, Suitable from 6 months to walking
Walking Session
A community walk encouraging social interaction and wellbeing.
Tea, Toast and a Chat
Don't sit alone, make Wrekenton Family Hub your Friday morning home!!! As a community what better way to come together than over the breaking of bread. Have a cuppa a bit of breakfast and a chat. Various professionals will also be dropping in offering free advice/support if needed.
9.30 - 11.30am
Other Activities at Wrekenton Hub
Infant Massage
Learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Booking is essential.
First Aid Skills
9 out of 10 parents don't know the basic first aid skills that could save their baby's life. This free session will cover * how to perform an initial check on a baby or child * how to perform CPR * what to do if your baby is choking * what to do if your baby has been drowning. Our aim is to make parents and carers feel confident to stay calm and able to help a baby or child safely in an emergency. Booking is essential.
Gateshead Libraries
Gateshead Libraries provide a wide range of services and activities.
Girl Guiding (Rainbows and Brownies)
There are so many reasons to join girl guiding! We offer a safe, girl-only space in which your child can build confidence, learn new skills and discover who they want to be. We've got an action-packed programme with something for every girl, and we work to be truly girl-led in everything we do.
Holiday Activities
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.
Parenting Programmes
Free help for families to build strong, positive child and adult relationships. A wide range of groups and programmes are availalbe for parents/carers with babies and young children. Contact us direct to find out more about start dates and venues on 0191 433 5129 or parenting@gateshead.gov.uk.
Rhyme Time
Rhymes and songs for children under five years.
Scouts (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts)
We change lives by offering 6- to 25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others so that we make a positive impact in communities.
Sewing and Dressmaking with Learning and Skills
If you would like to save money by making your own clothes, upcycling and making soft furnishings then this course will be right up your street.
Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4.30pm