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Mobile CCTV enforcement

We have a CCTV enforcement vehicle (or "camera car"). It is an ordinary car fitted with equipment that can record parking contraventions. It has a camera fitted on the top and the council's logo on the side. We have the necessary approval for it from the Secretary of State for Transport.

Where and when we can use the car

We can use the camera car to enforce any parking restriction which is visible from the vehicle and where an observation period is not required. Government guidance says that it should only be used where "enforcement is difficult or sensitive and CEO enforcement is not practical". We use it mainly on "school keep clear" zig-zag markings outside schools and in mandatory bus stop clearways. We may also use it in areas covered by a loading ban.

Our Civil Enforcement Officers conduct all parking enforcement in our car parks as well as most on-street enforcement. But it is not practical to use officers on foot to cover schools and bus stops because of the nature of those parking problems and the distances involved.

We can use the car at any time, and we do not advertise in advance of each visit to a particular location. All restrictions enforced by the camera car will be clearly marked with the necessary lines and/or signs. It is drivers' responsibility to check what restrictions apply before deciding to park their car.

The penalty charge

The types of parking contravention enforced by the camera car all attract the 'higher' penalty charge of £70. If you pay the charge in full within 21 days, the amount due will be reduced by 50%. (This discount period is different from the 14 days allowed for Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by an enforcement officer on foot).

How parking tickets are issued

The registered keeper of the vehicle will receive a PCN (parking ticket) through the post.

How to appeal a parking ticket

You can appeal in the same was as for any other parking ticket. Information will be sent with the PCN telling you how to do this. If you have any supporting evidence (for example, an AA/RAC report which proves your car had broken down), it will help us to help you if you send it with your appeal.

Department for Transport certification for our camera car (PDF, 69 KB)(opens new window)