Neglect (Level 3) *
Course details
Aim: The course will help participants to develop their understanding of the impact of neglect on the lived experience of the child. It will consider strategies for working with families with complex needs; assessing risk and working towards effective interventions
Dates: 1 October 2024, 4 February 2025
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Gateshead Council's Learning Centre
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- appreciate complex indicators of neglect and assess its impact on the development of children and young people
- have increased awareness of current research and tools for assessing neglect within the local procedural context
- employ an increased understanding of the origins of neglect and compromised parenting, in order to assess and support capacity for change
- develop skills in professional judgement relating to assessment of need and risk
- become more familiar with local tools available to assist information gathering, assessment and intervention
- develop effective strategies for working with families within a multi-agency framework
- share a greater awareness of dilemmas relating to issues of thresholds for intervention; personal and professional values and the emotional impact of working with uncertainty and resistance
- develop action plans for future practice
Facilitators: Ruth Pearson MA CQSW. Ruth has over 30 years experience in the field of safeguarding children, originally as a practicing social worker and subsequently as a Senior Practitioner in Child Protection. She has taught on undergraduate, post graduate and post qualifying social work courses at both Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Sheffield
Booking: via Learning Hub
Suitable for
- Intercollegiate Framework: Level 3, Groups 1-4
- Anyone who works with children and/or parents and carers