Domestic Violence and Abuse - Awareness Raising (DAPS Level 1) Face to face
Course details
Aim: To raise participants' knowledge and understanding of the nature and impact of domestic violence and abuse
Dates: 3 June 2025, 30 September 2025, 20 January 2026
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Gateshead Council's Learning Centre
Facilitators: Multi-agency facilitators
Booking: via Learning Hub
Learning objectives
Participants will:
- Know the Government definition of DVA
- Explore the different types of abusive behaviours used by perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse
- Comprehend the impact of DVA on victims and survivors
- Know the prevalence of DVA
- Recognise the myths relating to the causes of DVA
- Explore how discrimination in society contributes to the experience and impact of domestic violence and abuse
- Know the specialist support services and interventions available for victims, children and perpetrators
Suitable for
- Intercollegiate Framework: level 2 People identified in Groups 1 - 3
- Bournemouth University Framework: People identified in Group A-B1
- All staff who may have brief contact with DVA victims but wouldn't be expected to facilitate / respond to disclosures.