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Responding to Allegations of Abuse Against Professionals/Volunteers Who Work With Children

Course details

Aim: To provide an introduction into the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer in Gateshead and the procedures in responding to allegations against professionals,volunteers and foster carers.

Dates:  Thursday 27 June 2024, Thursday 30 January 2025

Time: 1.30pm to 2.30pm

Venue: Virtual


Michelle Farry, Local Authority Designated Officer

Booking: via Learning Hub

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will understand the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer.
  • Participants will know their responsibilities in reporting allegations against individuals working with children in their Organisation.
  • Participants will have an awareness of the indicators of abuse. 
  • Participants will have an understanding of the recording process for allegations and their duty to report to the Disclosure and Barring Service when required

Suitable for

IntercollegiateFramework: level 3 People identified in Groups 3, 5, Board level

Bournemouth University Framework:People identified in Group B2 - D

Senior Officers responsible within their agencies for allegations against staff and for those people whose work requires them to have a detailed understanding of the guidance for allegations of abuse against adults who work with children and young people.

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