'Be Cool' Sustainable transport campaign for schools

We're asking you to help keep Gateshead healthy and reduce congestion by supporting active travel to school. Get in touch if you'd like to make a donation.
The Scooterpod scooter rack (opens new window) for schools is a unique and compact storage solution just for scooters. The fun and colourful innovation is ideal for nursery and primary schools, securing up to 12 scooters. It is manufactured in the UK and available in 100% recycled materials. Bases are available for all configurations for siting on soft ground. Each Scooterpod costs between £429.00 - £484.00 (excluding VAT).
Cycle parking
Cycle parking and storage can come in many different forms, from simple bike stands to fully enclosed 'hubs' with lockers and storage for bikes of all shapes and sizes. A simple stand starts at around £250. Enclosed units with lockers start at around £5,000 plus installation costs.
Bikes for school use
Access to a working bike is a barrier to participation in Bikeability as well as enjoying independence as a child grows. By providing school bikes to be used for school-based cycling activity, children will be able enjoy a cycling experience on a safe bike. Fleets of bikes are school specific, so please get in touch with us to discuss if this is something you can provide.
School gate buddies
These child-sized fun and engaging characters Remind drivers to be safe and park legally. Feedback from sites where these are used suggests improvements in safe parking, higher levels of active travel and a reduction in issued parking fines. They are a great way to promote safe sustainable travel to school.
Access to Walk to School resources from Living Streets
Packs support walking and all modes of sustainable transport with rewards in the form of badges and stickers. Pupils love getting involved in these projects, which are shown to increase active travel to school.
Living Streets shop (opens new window)
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