School ICT Support Service Privacy Notice
Who we are and what we do
Operating as a traded service within IT Services that is part of Gateshead Council, the School ICT Support service is based at the Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH.
We work to prescribed service level arrangements with subscribing Local Authority Maintained, Multi Academy Trust and Academy schools (our customers) to provide access to the systems and relevant support services they need.
This privacy notice provides specific information about how the School ICT Support service processes your personal data when acting as a data processor for our customers (schools). You should also refer to the privacy information provided to you by the school. When we act as a data controller the IT Services privacy notice will apply.
What type of information is collected about you
email address
telephone number
IP Address
details of services you receive and provided by you
During the provision of support services any personal information held by the customer may be processed by ICT support for the provision of the support services. This could include special category information about our customer's pupils, parents or staff.
How we collect information about you
We collect your personal data in a variety of ways:
through our self-service computerised Service Desk solution
on paper
through an online form
via E-Mail
face to face
Via telephone
During the provision of support services information about you may be collected indirectly as any personal information held by the customer may be processed by ICT support. This could include special category information about our customer's pupils/parents or staff.
We collect information from you when:
we allow you access to the systems and applications that we manage on behalf of our customers
our customers ask us to allow you access to their systems and applications
it is provided by you, other Council departments, our customers or from relevant external third parties
Why we need your information
We are a data processor for our customers and the lawful basis for our processing of your data is determined by the customer (the data controller). You should also refer to the privacy information that they have provided to you.
We need your information for the following reasons:
to allow you access to various systems and applications under our control
to allow you to deal with relevant support requests for development, maintenance and support
to help us provide you with services and to contact you in relation to those services.
to provide support services to the school (our customer)
Who your information can be shared with
We can only share your information when instructed to do so by the data controller (our customer) unless we have a legal obligation to share without being instructed by the controller, such as safeguarding concerns.
How long we will keep your information
We keep your information for as long as we need in order to provide the services to our customer.. Where we have no need to keep your data it will be securely destroyed. We have Record of Processing Activity (a requirement under the GDPR) which sets out the specific retention periods applicable in different circumstances. For more information about this please contact the IT Services Service Desk on 0191 433 3771.
Where your information is held
Your data is held in the IT solutions that allow you access to Gateshead Council networks and the relevant application systems. This is held on the Gateshead Council network and in the Microsoft Cloud.
How you can update your information
Our delivery of efficient services depends on the accuracy of your information.
Please inform us of any changes to the following:
email address
personal circumstances
postal address
any of the other information we hold
For updates to the above please contact the data controller.
Your information rights
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Marketing and e-newsletters
Please see our email marketing privacy notice.
Business intelligence, profiling and automated-decision making
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Protecting your information
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Officer
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3000
Information Commissioner's Office
The Information Commissioner is the UK's independent body for upholding information rights. Visit their website to find out more about your rights under Data Protection law, and what to expect from us.
For privacy practices or data protection rights concerns, contact the Information Commissioner's Office:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745