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An Introduction in to Child and Young People's Mental Health (iCHAM) L3*

Course details

Dates:  Wednesday 3 July 2024,  Wednesday 12 February 2025

Time:9.30am to 4.30pm

Venue: Gateshead Council's Learning Centre


Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS,

Booking: via Learning Hub

Learning Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of the strategic and local context of child and adolescent mental health services.
  • To explore the concept of child development & adolescent mental health.
  • Outline overall risk and resilience factors for mental health.
  • To recognise the contribution all practitioners can make to improving children and young people' mental health


Other Information: 

This training is an Introduction to CAMHS and the role of the Emotional Wellbeing Team within that.  Outcomes do not include being trained in delivering mental health treatment to children & young people, however you will gain a greater understanding about what the team delivers and will be able to discuss a limited amount of emotional wellbeing support strategies.

Suitable for

Intercollegiate Framework: Level3 People identified in Groups 1 - 3.

Suitable for anyone working or volunteering with children and young people

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