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Admissions to Primary school September 2025

Section 1 - Co-ordinated admissions - September 2025

School admissions in Gateshead are co-ordinated with neighbouring local authorities. Gateshead will check the applications they receive against those submitted to their neighbouring authorities, ensuring only one application form for each child is processed. 

All schools you want to apply to must be ranked on your application form. If you include a voluntary aided school on your application, Gateshead will forward a copy of your application to them so they can consider your request in line with their school admission policy. 

Gateshead local authority will ensure each child resident in Gateshead receives one offer of a school place. They will do this by applying the ranking information in the following way: 

  • if a child is eligible for a place at only one of the schools or academies ranked on the application, a place at that school or academy will be offered to the child
  • if a child is eligible for a place at more than one school or academy ranked on the application, the child will be offered a place at the school or academy which was ranked the highest
  • if a child is not eligible for a place at any school or academy ranked on the application, Gateshead LA will offer an alternative place, for example your community catchment school or academy or next nearest school or academy depending upon the availably of places

You must make sure you read and understand the impact of each admission policy for all schools you apply to before your submit your application. 

Preferences for schools outside Gateshead 

If you rank a school outside of Gateshead on your application form, Gateshead will liaise with the relevant local authority regarding the request. 

Admission policies 

Gateshead local authority determines the admission policy and admission arrangements for community schools in Gateshead. Gateshead's community school admission policy is set out on the website. The governing body of voluntary aided schools in Gateshead determine the admission policy and admission arrangements to their school. View the admission policies for all voluntary aided schools.

How to apply 

If you live in Gateshead You can apply online from 9 September 2024 at School admissions

If you are unable to apply online you can request a paper application form from The School Admissions Team. 

Applications must be submitted by 15 January 2025. If you do not submit your form by this date you will reduce your chances of gaining a place at one of your chosen schools. 

If you live outside Gateshead 

You must apply direct to your home local authority and they will forward a copy of your application to Gateshead. Your home local authority will notify you of the outcome of your request. 

If you apply to a Gateshead school it is important that you read the information contained in this booklet including the school's admission policy in order to fully understand the admission criteria for the school you apply to. 

Equal preference 

All local authorities use an equal preference system, which means all first, second and third preferences for a particular school or academy will be looked at together and the over-subscription criteria for each school or academy will be applied to all applications received. Please refer to on the website for further information on the equal preference system. 

Late applications 

The closing date for submitting your application is 15 January 2025. If you return your form after this date you will severely reduce your chances of gaining a place at your chosen schools. In exceptional circumstances (for example if you have just moved into the area) Gateshead local authority may be able to consider late applications if they are received by 28 February 2025. In such circumstances proof of ownership or tenancy will be required. 

Each late application will be determined on its own merits. If Gateshead agree to consider a late application for exceptional reasons your application will be considered along with all other applications that were received on time. 

Change of preferences received after 15 January 2025 must be submitted in writing and will only be considered if exceptional circumstances apply. 

Late applications and late change of preferences received after 28 February 2025 will not be processed until after 16 April 2024, however in the case of late applications, an offer will be made for your catchment school or academy or nearest community school or academy depending upon the availability of places. In the case of late change of preferences, we will continue to process the original on time application received. 

The majority of late applications are refused a place and places are not kept back for any late applicants. 

Offer of a school place 

The national offer date is 16 April 2025. A letter will be posted to all Gateshead residents that apply for a school place, informing them of the school they have been offered, on or around this date. If you applied online you will also receive an email on 16 April 2025 confirming which school your child has been offered. 

Refusal of a school place waiting lists and appeals process 

Gateshead local authority will maintain waiting lists for all oversubscribed schools. If you are refused a place at a Gateshead school your child's name will automatically be placed on the school's waiting list. 

The offer of places from the waiting list will start on 16 May 2025 and places will be offered on a weekly basis thereafter, if vacancies arise. Waiting lists are maintained according to the admission criteria set out in the schools admission policy without reference to the preference ranking given on the application form or the length of time a child has been on the list A child's position on a waiting list may change due to additions or deletions of children on the list. 

If you are refused a school place, you also have the right to appeal to an independent panel. You will receive an appeal form with your refusal letter on or around 16 April 2025. If you wish to appeal you must complete and return the appeal form by the date indicated in your refusal letter. Appeals are generally heard in June or July 2025. 

Please note that in general fewer than half of appeals are decided in the parents' favour for years 3, 4, 5 and 6. In respect of infant classes, reception, year 1 and year 2, very few appeals are successful due to the legislation relating to statutory class size limitations in these early years classes. 

Address and fraudulent address claims 

When deciding whether a child lives within a catchment area for a Gateshead school only the address of the parent or legal guardian with whom the child resides will be taken into account. 

Addresses of childminders, relatives or friends who may help look after your child must not be used on the application form. Gateshead LA reserve the right to seek proof of address and to withdraw an offer of a place in the event of an inaccurate address being provided on the application form. Unfortunately places are withdrawn every year because some parents use a false address on their application form. This includes cases where parents take out a short term lease, temporarily move in with relatives or buy a property solely to use its address on the application form without any intention of taking up permanent residence there. 

Gateshead local authority do all they can to make sure this does not happen and in fairness to all parents will investigate all allegations of fraudulent practice brought to their attention and this may lead to a place being withdrawn. 

Temporary address 

We cannot accept your residence at a temporary address, unless exceptional circumstances apply, for example you are moving into the area or have been housed in emergency accommodation by the council. If you are currently living at a temporary address you must contact The School Admissions Team for advice prior to completing your application form. 

Shared responsibility for a child 

Parents of children who reside at two different addresses due to parental responsibility, are advised to seek advice about the completion of their application form before its submission from the School Admissions Team on: 0191 433 2756 or 433 2757. 

It is expected that where there is shared parental responsibility for a child, that parents will agree who is the parent with the main responsibility before completing the application form. Documentary evidence will be requested. If you are unable to provide evidence of shared responsibility, the local authority will use the address of the parent or carer who receives the child benefit. 

Change of address 

Change of address after the closing date (moving into a particular school's catchment area for the school you applied to) It is your responsibility to notify us immediately of any change of address after submitting your application form. We cannot reserve places for families expecting to move into a particular school's catchment area. 

If you have not exchanged contracts or have not signed a tenancy agreement to support your new address we will be unable to use this address for the purpose of offering places on 16 April 2025. If you can provide us with the above evidence by 28 February 2025, we will be able use your new address for the purpose of offering places on 16 April 2025. 

However, please note that if you move into a particular schools catchment area after the submission of your application form and do not provide us with proof of your new address by 28 February 2025, your new address will not be taken into consideration when offering places. 

Change of address after the closing date (moving out of a particular schools catchment area or further away from the school you applied to) It is your responsibility to notify us immediately of any change of address or change in circumstance after submitting your application form that may affect how your application is considered. For example, If you move out of the catchment area for the school you applied to after the submission of your application form, this may affect the category in which your child was considered. 

If it is determined that your child would not have been eligible for a place at the school offered based on your new address, your child's school place could be withdrawn. If necessary, we will withdraw places for change of addresses that take place up to and including 16 April 2025. However, we will still continue to investigate any change of addresses following this date up until 31 August 2025 and will withdraw places if a school place has been obtained at any stage using a temporary address, relatives address or if we feel a property has been purchased or leased solely to use its address to obtain a place at a particular school, without any intention of ever taking up permanent residence there. 

You can find out what school catchment area you live in by contacting the School Admissions Team on telephone 0191 433 2757. Alternatively School catchment maps are available to view.

Gateshead Council will investigate all allegations of fraudulent practice brought to their attention and this may lead to a place being withdrawn. You must notify us immediately if you change your address after the submission of your application form up to and including 31 August 2025. 

If you move address and your child is no longer eligible for the school place offered up until 31 August 2025, the school offer will be withdrawn by the local authority. 

Additional information - Voluntary Aided schools 

Governing bodies of Roman Catholic and Church of England voluntary aided schools determine the eligibility of applicants to their schools using their own admission policy. If you include a voluntary aided school on your application, Gateshead will forward a copy of your application to the relevant school so they can consider your request in line with their school admission policy. The school will then provide Gateshead local authority with a ranked list of applicants. 

It is important that you read the admission policy for any school or academy you apply to as voluntary aided policies differ from one another, and are different from the community school admission policy. 

If you apply online for a Voluntary Aided school you will be prompted to complete the 'Faith Details' section of the online form. Please ensure you complete all details requested including the religion of your child. If you complete a paper application form you must complete Section F of the form in full. 

Verifying application forms 

In February 2025, Voluntary Aided schools will receive details of all applications for their school from us, and they may write to you to request further documentation in order for the Governing Body to consider your application. 

You must provide all the evidence requested by the school, by the date they indicate. Failure to do so may result in your application being placed in a much lower category for admission than it may actually be and this may reduce your chances of receiving an offer of a place at this school. 

If you have ranked more than one voluntary aided school on your application form you may receive more than one request for information. It is important that you respond to each school individually to ensure they each have the information requested. 

Further information 

Additional information about Roman Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle can be obtained from: 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
St. Vincent's Diocesan Offices
St Cuthbert's House, West Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 7PY 

Tel: 0191 228 0111