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Admission to Secondary School (2025)

Section 2 - Admission statistics

In this section you will find statistics for the academic years 2023 and 2024. The information includes the:

  • schools planned admission number (PAN)
  • number of applications received
  • number of places offered
  • number of offers made within each category according to the school's admission policy
  • number of appeals heard for oversubscribed schools and the number of appeals that were successful

The information also highlights which schools were oversubscribed for 2023 and 2024.

We receive applications each year for admission to Gateshead schools from parents who have also applied to Emmanuel College and to other independent/ private schools outside Gateshead. However, some parents subsequently decide to withdraw their applications to Gateshead schools following an offer and acceptance of a place at one of these schools and this impacts on the number of parents who first apply to secondary schools in Gateshead and other local authorities.

Community secondary school admissions for September 2023 and 2024 - admission criteria breakdown

SchoolYearPAN1st Preference Applications2nd Preference Applications3rd Preference ApplicationsNumber of Places Offered on Allocation DateCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Category 6EHCPLast Distance Offered (measured in metres)Appeals HeardNumber of Successful Appeals
Grace College2023210227259154240616515052n/a22846.8111
Heworth Grange2023210100767622131747036n/a1All Offered00
2024210111786921961715029n/a8All Offered00
Kingsmeadow20231801481218517621456020n/a3All Offered00
20241801151157317621195046n/a4All Offered00
Lord Lawson202324015410593234314525059n/a2All Offered00
Thorp Academy2023270269883928032612010n/a415030.5700
2024270261985029292593011n/a10All Offered00

Admissions to voluntary aided secondary schools for September 2023 and 2024 - admission criteria breakdown

 YearPANPreferencePlaces OfferedAdmission Policy CriteriaEHCPAppealsSuccessful
School  1st2nd3rd ABCDEFGHIJKLM   
Cardinal Hume Catholic School2024225340247120260312031510607112000011233
 YearPANPreferencePlaces OfferedAdmission Policy CriteriaEHCPAppealsSuccessful
School  1st2nd3rd ABCDEFGHIJKLM   
St Thomas More Catholic School2023235245243842465118101102369118140400

Free school secondary school admissions for September 2023 and September 2024 - admission criteria breakdown

Free SchoolYearPAN1st Preference2nd Preference3rd PreferenceNumber of Places Offered on Allocation DateCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5EHCPAppeals HeardNumber of Successful
XP Gateshead202350160144127504244000181