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Admission to Secondary School (2025)

Section 7 - General School Information

Free School Meals

School meals are available for all children, however you can apply for Means Tested Free School Meals if you are receiving one of the following:

  • Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of less than £7,400
  • Income Support or Guarantee Pension Credit
  • income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit (but NOT Working Tax Credit) and your income for Tax Credit purposes must be less than £16,190.00 (details are shown on your Tax Credit award notice)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • support under Part IV of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 - you will need to provide evidence of this

You can apply in the following ways:

You will be asked to confirm your identity, provide your National Insurance Number, your date of birth and the school details for your child. This will enable us to check your eligibility.

Extra funding for your child's school

For every valid application for free school meals, not only will your child receive a healthy, nutritious meal, but your child's school can claim:

  • £1,480 (24/25) per pupil in reception to year 6 - primary
  • £1,050 (24/25) per pupil in years 7 to 11 - secondary
  • £2,570 (24/25) looked after children (LAC)

The school can claim this funding each year for six years, which can really help to provide the best environment to support your child's learning and development.

If your child was entitled to receive a free school meal on April 1 2018, or became entitled at any time after this date, in the majority of cases they will be protected to receive their free meal until Universal Credit has been fully rolled out. This is estimated not to be until at least March 31 2023.

Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, your child will then continue to receive a free school meal until the end of their current phase of education. Or when they leave school, whichever is the earliest.

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state funded schools are eligible for free school meals regardless of your income. This scheme is called Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). You do not have to apply to be eligible for this scheme; however, it is still important to apply for the means tested free school meals if you meet the relevant criteria shown above as this might provide extra funding (as detailed above) for your child's school. Once your child commences year 3 (KS2) the Universal Free School Meal will cease and to continue to receive a meal under the means tested scheme a completed application form MUST be returned so entitlement can be established.

If your child or children attends Heworth Grange please contact the school directly as we do not process applications for this school.

If you would like more information about free school meals please ring Gateshead Council on 0191 433 3729 or 0191 433 4848.

School Catering

School catering at Heworth Grange, Kingsmeadow and XP Gateshead schools are provided by Gateshead Council's award winning in-house service.

Our cafeteria menus offer pupils a choice of two-course meal options and a selection of items from the tariff. The printed tariff is available from the servery showing the price of individual items and can also be seen on our website.

All Secondary Schools are "cashless" at the point of sale. The cashless system reduces queuing times and protects the identity of pupils receiving free school meals.

Our fully trained catering staff encourage pupils to choose well from a variety of tasty, popular foods. Most of the menu is homemade and meals are cooked fresh on site every day.

Non-meat choices are available daily. Gateshead's menu complies with the National School Food Standards. Many of the foods we use have been reduced in fat, sugar and salt and many of our ingredients are locally sourced.

Please contact your school if your child requires a special diet for medical or ethnic reasons. The Unit Catering Manager will require a completed application form and correspondence from your child's doctor, consultant or dietician in order to provide a diet suitable for your child's needs.

If you require further information about school catering or the cashless system, please call Gateshead Council's Operations Manager (Catering) on: 0191 433 5516, or contact the Unit Catering Manager at the school. Alternatively, please see Gateshead Council's website.

For information about the catering services at Grace College, Cardinal Hume St Thomas More, Lord Lawson of Beamish, Thorp Academy and Whickham secondary schools please contact the school.

School clothing

Most schools operate a school uniform code however schools must not act as sole suppliers of school uniform.Details of the uniform are usually contained in the school's prospectus that can be obtained from the school. Some schools may provide their own help and support with regards to their school uniform for example for those families who are eligible for free school meals or who are entitled to the maximum level of working tax credit. Parents should contact the Head Teacher at the school to ask if they offer support. Gateshead Council do not have any general arrangements for providing help with buying school uniform or PE kit. Gateshead Council do not provide a uniform grant.

For more information visit (opens new window)

Charging for School Activities

Under the Education Act 1996 (sections 449-462) each school's governing body must draw up and review their policy for charging arrangements. Academies (including free schools, studio schools) are required through their funding agreements to comply with the law on charging for school activities.

The 1996 Act aims to:

  • maintain your child's right to free education
  • make sure that activities offered completely or mainly during normal teaching time are available to all pupils, whether or not their parents can or want to help meet the costs
  • emphasise that there is no legal requirement to charge for any form of education or related activity, but to give LA's and governing bodies the power to charge for optional activities they provide completely or mainly out of school hours
  • confirm the right of LA's and governing bodies to ask for voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school, or to support any activity organised, in or outside, school hours

The policies determined by individual governing bodies may differ but there is a statutory duty on all governing bodies to act in accordance with the 1996 education act and all policies must adhere to legal requirements. Please contact the school's head teacher for details of the school's policies.

The 2018 guidance Charging for school activitiesclearly identifies those activities which school governing bodies and local authorities can and cannot charge for, they include:

School governing bodies and local authorities, cannot charge for:

  • an admission application to any state funded school - paragraph 1.9 (n) of the 'School Admissions Code 2014' rules out requests for financial contributions as any part of the admissions process
  • education provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment)
  • education provided outside school hours if it is part of the national curriculum1, or part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school, or part of religious education
  • instrumental or vocal tuition, for pupils learning individually or in groups, unless the tuition is provided at the request of the pupil's parent
  • entry for a prescribed public examination, if the pupil has been prepared for it at the school
  • examination re-sit(s) if the pupil is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school

Schools and local authorities can charge for:

  • any materials, books, instruments, or equipment, where the child's parent wishes him or her to own them
  • optional extras
  • music and vocal tuition, in limited circumstances
  • certain early years provision
  • community facilities

Residential visits

Schools cannot charge for:

  • education provided on any visit that takes place during school hours
  • education provided on any visit that takes place outside school hours if it is part of the national curriculum, or part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school, or part of religious education
  • supply teachers to cover for those teachers who are absent from school accompanying pupils on a residential visit

Schools can charge for:

  • board and lodging and the charge must not exceed the actual cost

When a school informs parents about a forthcoming visit, they should make it clear that parents who can prove they are in receipt of the following benefits will be exempt from paying the cost of board and lodging:

  • Universal Credit in prescribed circumstances
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, provided that Working Tax Credit is not also received
  • an income-related employment and support allowance
  • Working Tax Credit

Board and lodging

Schools can charge for:

  • overnight board and lodging providing the charge does not exceed the actual cost
  • extended day services offered to day pupils, for example breakfast clubs, after-school clubs, tea and supervised homework sessions

Any extended day services for day pupils at state boarding schools, and the associated charges, must be optional.

Schools cannot make attendance at and the payment of charges for extended day services compulsory.

Primary schools and academies

DfE NumberSchool / Head TeacherAddress and phone numberIs AcademyAge rangeNurseryPAN 2025Estimated Number on Roll in September 2024
2226Barley Mow Primary School
Mrs N Watson
Pembroke Ave, Birtley, DH3 2DJ Tel: 0191 410 2758 3-11Yes30139
2039Bede Community Primary School
Mr N Anderson
Old fold Road, Gateshead NE10 0DJ Tel: 0191 433 4135 4-11Yes30214
2197Bill Quay Primary School
Mrs T Devine
Davidson Road, Bill Quay, NE10 0UN Tel: 0191 469 3013 4-11No30203
2163Birtley East Community Primary School
Miss A Diggle
Highfield, Birtley, DH3 1QQ Tel: 0191 410 2551 3-11Yes30165
2182Blaydon West Primary School
Mr S Brown
Blaydon, Gateshead NE21 4PY Tel: 0191 414 3286 3-11Yes30162
2200Brandling Primary School
Mrs A Clennell
Mulberry Street, Gateshead NE10 0JB Tel: 0191 433 4079 3-11Yes30201
2221Brighton Avenue Primary School
Mrs J Allan
Liddell Terrace, Gateshead NE8 1YN Tel: 0191 421 8080 3-11Yes60338
2233Caedmon Community Primary School
Mr C Wisby
Whitehall Road, Gateshead NE8 4LH Tel: 0191 433 4095 3-11Yes30210
2008Carr Hill Community Primary School
Mr P Harris
Carr Hill Road, Gateshead NE9 5NB Tel: 0191 477 1203 3-11Yes45306
2235Chopwell Primary School
Mrs K Kelly
Derwent Street, Chopwell NE17 7HS Tel: 01207 561 322 2-11Yes45180
2216Clover Hill Community Primary School
Miss L Hall and Mrs A Holden
Glenhurst Drive, Whickham NE16 5SJ Tel: 0191 433 4056 4-11No30211
2228Colegate Community Primary School
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs H Gladstone
Colegate West, Felling NE10 9AH Tel: 0191 420 6626 3-11Yes30103
3313Corpus Christi Catholic Primary
Mrs C Maxwell
Dunsmuir Grove, Gateshead NE8 4QL Tel: 0191 477 2175 3-11Yes30206
2219Crookhill Community Primary School
Miss K McCormack
Hexham Old Road, Crookhill NE40 3ES Tel: 0191 433 4066 4-11No30193
2164Dunston Hill Community Primary School
Mr C Sutherland
Market Lane, Dunston NE11 9NX Tel: 0191 433 4021 3-11Yes60339
2167Emmaville Primary School
Miss A Armstrong
Main Street,Crawcrook, Ryton NE40 4ND Tel: 0191 413 2460 2-11Yes60415
2198Falla Park Community Primary School
Miss V Carr
Falla Park Road, Felling NE10 9HP Tel: 0191 433 4011 2-11Yes30184
2232Fell Dyke Community Primary School
Ms K Savage
Springwell Road, Gateshead NE9 7AA Tel: 0191 433 4111 3-11Yes45257
2231Fellside Community Primary School
Mrs Caroline Green
Fellside Road, Whickham NE16 5AY Tel: 0191 488 7486 3-11Yes30204
2184Front Street Community Primary School
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs H Gladstone
North View, Whickham NE16 4AY Tel: 0191 488 1941 3-11Yes60377
2225Glynwood Community Primary School
Mrs V Nellis
Glynwood Gardens, Gateshead NE9 5SY Tel: 0191 433 4117 3-11Yes60397
2181Greenside Primary
Miss D Foster
Rockwood Hill Road, Greenside NE40 4AX Tel: 0191 413 2186 3-11Yes30164
2238Harlow Green Community Primary School
Mr M Malik
Harlow Green Lane, Gateshead NE9 7TB Tel: 0191 487 6703 3-11Yes60354
2168High Spen Primary School
Mr A Firth
Hugar Road, High Spen, Rowlands Gill NE39 2BQ Tel: 01207 542 373 2-11Yes30155
2186Highfield Community Primary School
Mrs C Spencer
Whinfield Way, Highfield, Rowlands Gill NE39 2JE Tel: 01207 549 882 3-11Yes17105
2234Kells Lane Primary School
Mrs R Swinbank
Kells Lane, Gateshead NE9 5HX Tel: 0191 433 4140 3-11Yes60420
2012Kelvin Grove Community Primary School
Mrs J Thompson
Kelvin Grove, Gateshead NE8 4UN Tel: 0191 477 4186 3-11Yes60347
2058Kibblesworth Academy
Mr C Steel
Kibblesworth, Gateshead NE11 0XP Tel: 0191 410 2975 3-11Yes29111
2051Larkspur Community Primary School
Mrs M Liddle
Beacon Lough East, Gateshead NE9 6SS Tel: 0191 487 5628 3-11Yes29119
2205Lingey House Primary School
Mrs C Wilkinson
Millford, Leam Lane Estate, Felling NE10 8DN Tel: 0191 438 1287 3-11Yes60397
2222Lobley Hill Primary School
Mrs R Hocking
Rothbury Gardens, Gateshead NE11 0AT Tel: 0191 433 4080 3-11Yes60304
2055Oakfield Infant School
Mrs K Chisholm
Chowdene Bank, Gateshead NE9 6JH Tel: 0191 487 0354 4-7No60145
2049Oakfield Junior School Executive Head Teacher
Mrs K Chisholm
Chowdene Bank, Gateshead NE9 6JH Tel: 0191 433 4086 7-11No60226
2236Parkhead Community Primary School
Mrs Helen Chard
Park Lane, Winlaton NE21 6LT Tel: 0191 433 5618 3-11Yes58266
2162Portobello Primary School
Mrs J Humphrey
Tamerton Drive, Birtley DH3 2LY Tel: 0191 410 4571 4-11No30191
2056Ravensworth Terrace Primary School
Mr A Ramanandi
Mount Pleasant Road, Birtley DH3 1AY Tel: 0191 433 4200 4-11No60383
2220Riverside Primary Academy
Mrs J Goodfellow
Colliery Road, Dunston NE11 9DX Tel: 0191 460 1918 3-11Yes60274
2229Roman Road Primary School
Mrs E Monaghan
Leam Lane Estate, Gateshead NE10 8SA Tel: 0191 438 0510 3-11Yes30201
2239Rowlands Gill Primary School
Mrs L Clarke
Dominies Close, Rowlands Gill NE39 2PP Tel: 01207 549 359 3-11Yes60170
2188Ryton Community Infant School
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs D Ashcroft
Ryton NE40 3AF Tel: 0191 413 2776 2-7Yes6080
2193Ryton Community Junior School
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs D Ashcroft
Ryton NE40 3AF Tel: 0191 413 3573 7-11No60118
3329Sacred Heart Catholic Primary
Mr S Woods
Byermoor, Burnopfield NE16 6NU Tel: 01207 270 396 4-11No30200
2036South Street Community Primary School
Ms L Wales
Cramer Street, Gateshead NE8 4BB Tel: 0191 477 3993 3-11Yes30208
3326St Agnes Catholic Primary
Ms J Woods
Rosedale Road, Ryton NE40 4UN Tel: 0191 413 2184 4-11No30188
2237St Aidan's C of E Primary School
Mrs Cheryl Lain
Derwentwater Road, Gateshead NE8 2HQ Tel: 0191 477 2690 3-11Yes30200

St Alban's Catholic Primary
Mrs M Robinson Head of School
Mrs L Stokoe Executive Head Teacher

Rothbury Avenue, Pelaw NE10 0QY Tel: 0191 469 3251Yes3-11Yes30179
3322St Anne's Catholic Primary
Mrs S Fraser
Off Pickering Green, Harlow Green, Gateshead NE9 7HX - Tel: 0191 433 4053Yes4-11No30148
3336St Augustine's Catholic Primary
Mrs G Lynch
Colegate, Leam Lane Est, Gateshead NE10 8PP Tel: 0191 469 2949Yes3-11Yes45288
3325St Joseph's Catholic Infant, Birtley
Mrs K Swaddle
Mitchell Street, Birtley DH3 1LU Tel: 0191 410 2324Yes4-11No3063
3324St Joseph's Catholic Junior, Birtley
Mrs K Swaddle
School Street, Birtley DH3 2PN Tel: 0191 410 2231Yes7-11No30101
3331St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Blaydon
Mr P Naughton
Croftdale Road, Blaydon NE21 4BG Tel: 0191 414 3108Yes4-11No30208
3317St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Gateshead
Ms Claire Cuskern
Prince Consort Rd, Gateshead NE8 1LR Tel: 0191 490 1517Yes4-11No30181
3328St Mary & St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary -
Mr Craig
Stella Lane, Blaydon NE21 4NE Tel: 0191 414 3116Yes3-11Yes30209
3333St Mary's Catholic Primary
Mr J Wheatley
Duckpool Lane, Whickham NE16 4HB Tel: 0191 420 5828Yes4-11No30186
3318St Oswald's Catholic Primary
Mrs T Musgrove
Wrekenton, Gateshead NE9 7LH Tel: 0191 487 8641Yes3-11Yes30171
3319St Peter's Catholic Primary School
Mrs P McArthur
Dryden Road, Gateshead NE9 5TU Tel: 0191 487 8233Yes4-11No30209
3330St Philip Neri Catholic Primary
Mrs Elizabeth Maher
Ellison Road, Gateshead NE8 2QU Tel: 0191 460 4378Yes4-11No30156
3339St Wilfrid's RC VA Primary
Mr J Philips
Old Fold Road, Gateshead NE10 0DJ Tel: 0191 477 1909Yes3-11Yes20138
3327St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Highfield -
Ms J Bircham
Whinfield Way, Highfield, Rowlands Gill NE39 2JE Tel: 01207 545 972 4-11No1583
2172Swalwell Primary School
Mrs R Hocking
South View Terrace, Swalwell NE16 3HZ Tel: 0191 433 4000 3-11Yes30129
2213The Drive Community Primary School
Mrs R Farren
The Drive, Felling, Gateshead NE10 0PY Tel: 0191 421 0390 3-11Yes29144
2224Wardley Primary School
Mrs N Wallace
Keir Hardie Avenue, Wardley NE10 8TX Tel: 0191 469 3012 3-11Yes45247
2194Washingwell Community Primary School
Mrs A Hall
Bucks Hill View, Whickham NE16 4RB Tel: 0191 488 4400 3-11Yes30158
3001Whickham Parochial C of E Primary School
Mrs R Walton
Broadway, Whickham NE16 5QW Tel: 0191 488 7867 4-11No30209
2214White Mere Community Primary School
Mr John Archer
Sherburn Way, Gateshead NE10 8BA Tel: 0191 438 5008 3-11Yes30118
2227Windy Nook Primary School
Mrs L Forrest
Albion Street, Gateshead NE10 9BD Tel: 0191 469 4954 3-11Yes45300
2177Winlaton West Lane Community Primary School - Mrs C TetleyWest Lane, Winlaton NE21 6PH Tel: 0191 414 2557 3-11Yes45308

Secondary schools and academies

DfE NumberSchool / Head TeacherAddress and phone numberIs AcademyAge rangeSixth formPAN 2025Estimated Number on Roll in September 2025
4605Cardinal Hume Catholic School
Mr B Robson
Old Durham Road, Gateshead NE9 6RZ Tel: 0191 487 7638Yes11-18Yes2601269
4003Grace College
Lead Prinicple: Mr M Waterfield Head of School: Mrs Hooker
Saltwell Road South, Gateshead NE9 6LE Tel: 0191 442 2000Yes11-18Yes2101098
4002Heworth Grange School
Mr o Inglis
High Lanes, Heworth NE10 0PT Tel: 0191 421 2244Yes11-16No2401026
4041Kingsmeadow Community School
Mr M Barrett
Market Lane, Dunston NE11 9NX Tel: 0191 460 6004 11-16Yes195847
4027Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy Dr A FowlerBirtley Lane, Birtley DH3 2LP Tel: 0191 433 4026Yes11-18Yes2401176
4606St Thomas More Catholic School
Mrs J Turner
Croftdale Road, Blaydon NE21 4BQ Tel: 0191 499 0111Yes11-18Yes2501207
4001Thorp Academy
Ms J Macaulay
Main Road, Ryton, NE40 3AH Tel: 0191 413 2113 11-18Yes3301376
4029Whickham School
Mr F Turnbull
Burnthouse Lane, Whickham NE16 5AR Tel: 0191 496 0026 11-18Yes2661393

XP Gateshead

Julie Mosley

Former Thomas Hepburn Site, Swards Road, Felling, Gateshead, NE10 9UZ. Tel: 01302 898 792 11-12No50200

Specialist schools

DfE NumberSchool / Head TeacherAddress and Phone NumberAge Range
7009Dryden School (SLD/PMLD)
Mrs E Johnson
Shotley Gardens, Low Fell, Gateshead NE9 5UR Tel: 0191 420 3811 / 0191 420 381211-18
7010Eslington Primary School (SEMH)
Mrs M Richards
Hazel Road, Gateshead NE8 2EP Tel: 0191 433 4131
Rose Street, Gateshead, NE8 2LS Tel: 0191 433 5151
7006Furrowfield School (SEMH)
Miss H E Scott
Whitehills Drive, Felling, Gateshead NE10 9RZ Tel: 0191 495 470011-16
7007Gibside School (ASD/ MLD/ PMLD)
Mrs A Whistler
Shipcote Lane, Gateshead, NE8 4JA Tel: 0191 433 69003-11
7008Hill Top School (MLD/ASD)
Mrs A Bell
Wealcroft, Leam Lane Estate, Gateshead NE10 8LT Tel: 0191 469 246211-18
7002Cedars Academy (Cognition & Learning/ASD/SEMH)
Chief Executive - Mr M Flowers
Head of School - Mrs M O'Reilly
Head of College - Mrs J Vincent
Cedars School: Ivy Lane, Low Fell, Gateshead, NE9 6QD Tel: 0191 487 4595
Cedars College: Walker Terrace, Gateshead, NE8 1EB


KEYSchools Catering for Children with
SEMHSocial, Emotional and Mental Health
MLDModerate Learning Difficulties
PDPhysical Difficulties
LDLearning Difficulties
SLDSevere Learning Difficulties
PMLDProfound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
ASDAutistic Spectrum Disorder