Use of URLs

This guidance sets out best practice for publishing URLs on and any other sites affiliated with Gateshead Council.
What a URL is
A URL stands for uniform resource locator. A URL is a user-friendly way of displaying an IP address which is a string of characters that serves as the web pages location on the internet. URLs must be structured in a consistent manner to help users navigate web pages easily and to help search engines understand web pages.
It is composed of different elements and usually includes:
- the protocol - https://
- the domain name -
- and the path - /article/1176/Council-Tax
- the 'article ID' number / article/1176 provides a unique identifier to the specific web page
Full URLs
A full URL is the full address of the web page such as
Full URL standards for council websites
Gateshead Council website follows URL standards that are used on all websites. This ensures consistency for customer experience and that information is as easy to find as possible across all search engines. The rules are:
- URLs always need to be clear, unambiguous, easy to read, easy to type and easy to share
- URLs should be in lower case
- URLs should align with the title of the page
- URLs must use words and should not contain acronyms, unless very well known or a department acronym for example HMRC
- dashes should be used to separate words within URLs so they are easy to read (this might not apply if the URL is designed to be read aloud)
- articles (a, an, the) and other superfluous words should not be used. For example, use /benefits or /benefits-guides rather than /a-guide-to-benefits
- URLs should use the verb stem, where possible. For example, /apply instead of /applying
- URLs should be based on user need rather than the (current) name of a policy, scheme or service, which might change.
- include the year when using a short URL for one-off promotion of an annual event
- avoid unsafe characters including spaces and " < > # % { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] `
- not end with a forward slash, for example rather than
- not use underscores, spaces, or any other characters to separate words
When to use a full URL
You must use a full URL for:
- hyperlinks and call-to-actions on web pages
- hyperlinks and call-to-actions in emails
- text posts/comments on social media for general council services
- responses to customer queries
- call-to-actions on Google, YouTube, and social media ads
- letters and other printed documents in some specific cases.
In emails and on web pages, it is best to use a descriptive hyperlink with the full URL behind it. This is so users know where they will go if they click on the link. Using descriptive text is also best practice for accessibility so that people who are using screen readers have clear and complete information.
Example: You can book an appointment at a Household Waste and Recycling Centre
Never use 'click here' for hyperlinks as it is bad for both accessibility and for search engines.
Short URLs
A short URL is a web address that is shorter than the full web address. They usually include a key word or phrase highlighting the content of the web page. They also known as friendly URLs and are often used for marketing or promotions.
For example, the short url for is If you type the short URL into a web browser you will be redirected to the full URL page.
Best practice for short URLs
In addition to following general rules for URLS, short URLS should:
- be unique
- be 5 words maximum and no more than 100 characters
- be related to the title of the page and be words that can be easily understood
- use hyphens to break up text to ease readability if the URL is being used in written form for example /child-work-permits rather than /childworkpermits
- avoid the use of hyphens if the words are read aloud
- include a date if the information relates to a specific year, for example /brightenchristmas23
When to use a short URL
Short URLs should not be a substitute for an unhelpful URL. It is important that the full URL is as clear and accurate as possible.
Formats where short URLs should be used:
- printed documents, leaflets and brochures
- newspapers
- tv and radio
- text messages
- pictures and videos on social media
- posts on social media for campaigns
- digital signage
- picture banners
Requesting a short URL
Short URLs are created by the digital team. Do not use your own short URLs or websites such as or to shorten a URL as they can be difficult to track and maintain. To request a short URL fill in our digital request form and give details of why you would like a short URL and the content or page the short URL will link to. The digital team will decide if a short URL is appropriate for your needs.