What can you bring to the Gateshead Exchange?

A new online service has just been launched to match up groups in need of practical and financial support, with those with the capacity to provide that support.
The Gateshead Social Value Exchange is aimed at unlocking the capacity in all the suppliers who provide goods and services to Gateshead Council, and to ensure groups and organisations like schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises) can benefit from their success.
The service has come about because all goods and services required by publically funded organisations like Gateshead Council are bought based not just on price, but on securing wider social, economic, and environmental benefits for the people and communities of Gateshead.
That means the council's suppliers sign up to go beyond just fulfilling the council's needs, and schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs can all benefit.
So the new Gateshead Social Value Exchange is designed to bring suppliers together in one place with schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs to benefit one another - and help everyone in Gateshead to thrive.
See what's on offer on Gateshead Exchange
Any schools, colleges, community groups or VCSEs within Gateshead can submit requests detailing what they need, while the council's suppliers can submit offers of support or requests. The council can then match up the social value offers based on need.
Councillor Linda Green, cabinet member for communities and volunteering, said: "There are so many excellent organisations and companies in Gateshead with so much capacity for improving the borough, enhancing the environment, and helping out the voluntary and charitable sector with projects they can't fund themselves.
"I'm delighted the council has created this central point of contact, where we can put people in touch to help ensure some really brilliant projects can come to fruition."
Andrea Tickner, service director for Corporate Commissioning and Procurement, said: "We know your contribution as suppliers to the council - and what your staff can contribute - could make a huge impact in Gateshead whether you give up an hour of your time, several hours a week, commit to a one-off project or give donations in kind.
"We know that it isn't always easy to find the right organisation to support or how to match your skills (and time) with the right recipient. So we want to encourage you to submit offers of support which can then be matched by the council with the requests received."
We invite organisations and groups to complete the relevant forms on Gateshead Exchange to tell us what support you require or can offer. If you need any further information, please email procurement@gateshead.gov.uk

A new online service has just been launched to match up groups in need of practical and financial support, with those with the capacity to provide that support.
The Gateshead Social Value Exchange is aimed at unlocking the capacity in all the suppliers who provide goods and services to Gateshead Council, and to ensure groups and organisations like schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises) can benefit from their success.
The service has come about because all goods and services required by publically funded organisations like Gateshead Council are bought based not just on price, but on securing wider social, economic, and environmental benefits for the people and communities of Gateshead.
That means the council's suppliers sign up to go beyond just fulfilling the council's needs, and schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs can all benefit.
So the new Gateshead Social Value Exchange is designed to bring suppliers together in one place with schools, colleges, community groups and VCSEs to benefit one another - and help everyone in Gateshead to thrive.
See what's on offer on Gateshead Exchange
Any schools, colleges, community groups or VCSEs within Gateshead can submit requests detailing what they need, while the council's suppliers can submit offers of support or requests. The council can then match up the social value offers based on need.
Councillor Linda Green, cabinet member for communities and volunteering, said: "There are so many excellent organisations and companies in Gateshead with so much capacity for improving the borough, enhancing the environment, and helping out the voluntary and charitable sector with projects they can't fund themselves.
"I'm delighted the council has created this central point of contact, where we can put people in touch to help ensure some really brilliant projects can come to fruition."
Andrea Tickner, service director for Corporate Commissioning and Procurement, said: "We know your contribution as suppliers to the council - and what your staff can contribute - could make a huge impact in Gateshead whether you give up an hour of your time, several hours a week, commit to a one-off project or give donations in kind.
"We know that it isn't always easy to find the right organisation to support or how to match your skills (and time) with the right recipient. So we want to encourage you to submit offers of support which can then be matched by the council with the requests received."
We invite organisations and groups to complete the relevant forms on Gateshead Exchange to tell us what support you require or can offer. If you need any further information, please email procurement@gateshead.gov.uk