Street works protocol
Administration and consultation
4.1 One of the main aims of NRSWA was always to ensure better coordination of highway works than used to be the case. It follows, therefore, that communication and consultation need to be an integral part of the process.
4.2 The EToN system contains an in-built validation system which ensures that works notified comply with various requirements (such as the required notice periods). The Council will also have regard to those requirements before granting any street works licences or related consents.
4.3 Whichever method is used to request or notify us of temporary traffic management, undertakers must carry out appropriate and meaningful consultation and must allow sufficient time for responses to be received. Which organisations need to be consulted, and to what extent, will vary from street to street and will depend on a range of factors, such as when the works are taking place and for how long. It is therefore important that undertakers or their agents know the area well enough to form a proper understanding of the likely impacts of their works and associated traffic management arrangements, both at that specific location and more widely.
4.4 Where undertakers receive responses to their consultations, they must give proper consideration to any valid points raised and make any adjustments to their proposed traffic management arrangements that are reasonable and necessary to address those points. Failure to do so may result in the Council refusing the request or directing that changes be made.
4.5 Along with other notes and forms, specific guidance on consultation in relation to temporary traffic signals visit Traffic signals . It sets out the approach the Council itself will take when considering such requests, and following it will make a positive response more likely.