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Pay Policy Statement 2024-25

Governance arrangements and development of pay structures

The current pay structure applicable to NJC employees was determined following a comprehensive job evaluation exercise following the provisions and processes of the national JE scheme. Separate pay structures are in place for employees covered by the following agreements: 

  • JNC for Local Authority Craft and Associated employees 
  • JNC for Youth and Community Workers 
  • The Soulbury Committee 
  • School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (applies to centrally employed teachers) 

The Contracts Committee comprises a cross-party group of elected members who oversee pay and conditions issues for all posts which attract Chief Officer pay and conditions. The Chair of the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee has ex officio status on the Contracts Committee. 

In considering pay structures and pay levels for Chief Officers, the Contracts Committee will seek external advice from an independent person or organisation with expertise in senior remuneration and benefits. It will take into account matters including: 

  • an assessment of the size and market value of a job by reference to an established job evaluation system that allows objective comparison to data bases of similar jobs 
  • the affordability of the recommended outcome from the job evaluation and market reference exercise in the short, medium and long term 
  • the prevailing markets in which the Council operates, and the risk being unable to recruit or retain senior officers with the ability to manage the Council's affairs to its best advantage 
  • the relationship with the remuneration of the wider Council workforce and national negotiating frameworks 
  • the Council's senior structure and planned or foreseeable future changes to these 
  • the expectations of the community and stakeholders  
  • the total remuneration package 

Since 1 October 2012, all Strategic Directors and Service Directors have been employed on JNC Chief Officer terms and conditions. 

The top three levels of the Council's organisation structure and their associated pay bands are published on the Council's website in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. This information will be published annually, in addition to the requirement to publish the annual pay policy by 31 March.