Pay Policy Statement 2024-25
Payment for additional duties and work outside the Council
Chief Officers are not eligible for overtime and/or premium rates of pay for unsocial hours that apply to other groups of staff.
Contracts Committee will consider requests from the Chief Executive to undertake secondary employment or outside duties, whether remunerated or otherwise, to ensure there is no conflict of interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct for Employees, requests from Strategic Directors are determined by the Chief Executive. For all other employees, requests to take up remunerated appointments are determined by the Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance; unpaid appointments are determined by the relevant Strategic Director.
Employees may be eligible to receive payments for additional duties and responsibilities beyond their normal role with the Council subject to the approval of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance. These payments may include honoraria, additional duties or responsibilities payments, acting duty pay or the use of accelerated increments. Payments may also be authorised for electoral Returning Officers or specific responsibilities where the Council is the Lead Authority and for which services are re-charged by the Council. The Contracts Committee may approve the level and payment of such allowances to Chief Officers where they are not prescribed elsewhere.