Occupational Health (traded service) Privacy Notice
Who we are and what we do
The Occupational Health Team is part of Gateshead Council. We are based at the Civic Centre, Gateshead. For schools, academies and organisations that purchase our SLA, we provide the following occupational health services:
- medical assessments (including sickness absence assessments and reports)
- advice and recommendations in relation to phased returns, modified duties and fitness for work
- pre-placement screening
- medicals
- medical redeployment Assessments
- ill health retirement assessments
- health surveillance including driver medicals
- access to contracted services:
- face to face counselling services
- physiotherapy
- vision screening
- optician services
This privacy notice provides specific information about how we process your personal data. It is an addition to the information contained in our Corporate Privacy Notice.
What type of information is collected about you
We collect personal information to understand your needs and provide services. Information may include:
- name
- address
- date of birth
- email address
- gender
- details of your job
- telephone number
- details of any absences
- the reason for the referral
- Information about any medical or health conditions
- results of assessments
How we collect information about you
We collect information about you directly from you, your employer, or other professionals to ensure that we meet your needs, including:
- management referrals
- pre-employment screening
- by email
- by telephone
- health surveillance requests
- through contact forms
- from other health professionals (e.g. GP, Specialist, Physio)
Why we need your information
Our purpose for collecting personal information is to enable us to:
- perform the services listed above and with accurate and up-to-date information.
The lawful basis for our processing is:
- Legitimate interests
Our lawful basis for processing of sensitive personal data is:
- 9(2)(h) of GDPR: Health or social care.
- 9(2)(b) of GDPR: Employment, social security and social protection (if authorised by law)
Who your information can be shared with
Our Corporate Privacy notice explains information sharing the Council carries out. This sharing fulfils statutory obligations, legal requirements and service delivery.
There are times when it will be appropriate for us to share relevant information with your manager and HR Adviser who while undertaking their activities, are provided with a report from Occupational Health as part of the service delivered to them.
We do not share information about you with anyone without your consent unless the law requires or allows us to do so. We will always seek your positive consent to share information if there is no legal basis to share.
In all cases where we must pass on information, we will only share the minimum amount of information required and will use the most secure method to transfer.
If we wish to share your information with other council services or third parties for purposes outside of those listed above, we will ask your permission. Occupational Health are bound by professional codes of conduct and will maintain confidentiality wherever possible.
How long we will keep your information
We keep your information for as long as we need to provide services to you. We may also need to keep your information in accordance with legal or other obligations. Where we have no need to keep your data it will be securely destroyed. We keep a Record of Processing Activity (a requirement under the GDPR). This sets out the specific retention periods applicable in different circumstances. For more information, please contact occupationalhealth@gateshead.gov.uk
Where your information is held
We hold personal information in secure electronic systems on Gateshead council servers.
How you can update your information
Our delivery of efficient services depends on the accuracy of your information.
Please inform us of any changes to the following:
- email address
- personal circumstances
- postal address
- any of the other information we hold
Please contact: occupationalhealth@gateshead.gov.uk
Your information rights
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Marketing and e-newsletters
Please see our email marketing privacy notice.
Business intelligence, profiling and automated-decision making
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Protecting your information
Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.
Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Officer
Civic Centre
Regent Street
Telephone number: 0191 433 3000
Information Commissioner's Office
The Information Commissioner is the UK's independent body for upholding information rights. Visit their website (opens new window) to find out more about your rights under Data Protection law, and what to expect from us.
For privacy practices or data protection rights concerns, contact the Information Commissioner's Office:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone number: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745