Recommendation 6. To ensure that women live healthy lives for longer, it is important to strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention.
It is recommended that we review and refresh our local plan so that there is an explicit gendered response. For example, this may include ensuring our cycling infrastructure is reviewed from a female perspective. We should ensure that a positive effort is made to redress any gender inequality within our local plan, ensuring all planning and infrastructure is considered from a female perspective.
It is recommended that we ensure all of Gateshead is a safe environment for girls and women and that as we have a specific gendered response as we develop and implement our strategies, our interventions and our policies.
It is recommended that we continue to call out and not be bystanders in violence against women and girls. This should include assessing all our policies to ensure we create an environment which is supportive of measures to prevent domestic abuse and enable disclosure and support if needed.
It is recommended that we seek to change attitudes, systems and behaviours that perpetuate gender inequality and violence against women and girls. This includes improving public attitudes towards domestic abuse by raising awareness and increasing understanding, for example, healthy relationship education in schools, supporting public campaigns, engaging and working with local communities. It is recommended that we address the root causes of violence and review our relationship between the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Community Safety Partnership to ensure that a public health approach is taken