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Chapter 1: Give every child the best start in life


Breastfeeding has major long-term positive effects on the health, nutrition and development of the mother and child's physical and mental health. It's an investment in every child's future. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding initiation within an hour after birth, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by the introduction of complementary foods alongside continued breastfeeding until the child is at least two years old.
(World Health Organization. (2023). Breastfeeding.)

Breastfeeding is highly emotive in the UK because so many mothers have either not Breastfed or have experienced trauma from trying to breast feed unsuccessfully. Many mothers and babies find breastfeeding difficult, with the first four to six weeks thought to be the toughest time. As such, we need to support mothers and their partners. For example, women may not feel comfortable to go back to work due to lack of feeding space, or women who cannot afford to take longer maternity leave might feel like they can't breast feed. There are many reasons that impact on a women's decision and ability to breast feed, including both socio-cultural and biological factors. 

According to information from the Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, 69% of women initiated breastfeeding after birth in 2020/21.
(Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust. Local data (unpublished).) 41% of women were still breastfeeding 6-8 weeks after birth. 

Although this is lower than the national rate (49%), encouragingly, the percentage has increased over time and Gateshead has the third highest rate in the North East region.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.)

It is important that Government, policy makers, communities and families all share responsibility and make sure that everyone has the choice to breast feed. This could include appropriate support, breastfeeding public space and breastfeeding friendly workplaces.

40.7% of women in Gateshead are breastfeeding at 6 - 8 weeks after birth. This is significantly higher than the North East average, but significantly below the England average.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.)

Rates have increased by almost 5% in Gateshead since 2016/17. (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
(2023) Public health profiles.for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.)

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Those in the 10% most deprived areas of England are almost 15% less likely to breast feed at six to eight weeks after birth, than those in the 10% least deprived areas. (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.)