Chapter 1: Give every child the best start in life
Impact of post-natal depression and mental health
Women who have a history of mental health problems before becoming pregnant are at increased risk of certain mental health conditions during pregnancy and the year after childbirth. Mental health problems, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are associated with experiencing a traumatic childbirth, stillbirth or the death of a baby. Unfortunately, there were 4 stillbirths in Gateshead in 2021. This is a rate of 2.0 per 1,000 live and still births, which is lower than the North East and England still birth rates of 4.1 per 1,000 live and still births. (ONS (2022). Births in England and Wales: Summary tables: 2021.)
A recent UK study has found the maternal mortality rate has risen even if women who died from Covid-19 are excluded. The clearest impact on maternal mortality rates is caused by an increase in mental health related deaths, principally women who have died by suicide.
(Knight M, Bunch K, Patel R, et al. (2022). Saving lives, improving mothers' care. MBRRACE-UK)
In the UK between 2018-2020, Women were 3 times more likely to die by suicide during or up to six weeks after the end of pregnancy compared to 2017-19.
The MBRRACE UK study (2022) found persistent inequalities and continued inequitable care for pregnant women. The study concluded that we must stop the recurring structural biases that affect women's care on the basis of their pregnancy.
(Knight M, Bunch K, Patel R, et al. (2022). Saving lives, improving mothers' care. MBRRACE-UK)
Gateshead is in the process of developing its start for life offer (from conception to age 2) for parents and carers who need support for mild to moderate mental health needs, or for those who would benefit from universal parent-infant support with an emphasis on fathers and co-parents.
Breastfeeding support is to be further enhanced as part of the Start for Life offer so that it is available to all parents and carers.
It's estimated that nationally, 2 in every 1,000 women suffer from post-partum psychosis following pregnancy. Comparing this to the number of births in Gateshead (1,987 live births and still births), this would equate to approximately four women in 2021.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.) (ONS (2022). Births in England and Wales: Summary tables: 2021.)
The estimated number of women with severe depressive illness, calculated by applying the national prevalence estimate (30 in 1,000) to the total number of births (1,987) in Gateshead, would equate to around 60 women with severe depressive illness in the perinatal period. This calculation does not account for women whose pregnancies ended in miscarriage.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles.) (ONS (2022). Births in England and Wales: Summary tables: 2021.)
Family Hubs will provide a single access point - a 'front door' - to universal and early help services for families with children of all ages (0-19) or up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with a Start for Life offer at their core. Family Hubs involve co-location of services and professionals to make it easier for families to access the services they need, including Start for Life services, and this can include both physical locations, outreach support and virtual offers.
Family Hubs are a way of delivering the Supporting Families Programme vision of an effective early help system, providing place-based access to SEND services, 0-5 activities, youth services, advice on debt and housing, support for mental health, smoking cessation, nutrition and weight management, help for those experiencing domestic abuse and relationship conflict, plus funded strands of enhanced support for:
- Parenting support
- Perinatal mental health and parent-infant relationship support
- Early language development and home learning environment
- Infant feeding support
This service is being developed and will be fully in place by the end of March 2025.