Chapter 2: Enabling children, girls and women to live their lives to the fullest
Self-harm and substance misuse
In 2014, 19.7% of 16- to 24-year-old girls reported self-harming compared with 6.5% in 2000. Women and girls in the overall population continue to be more at risk of self-harm, although rates tripled in both male and female populations between 2000 and 2014, from 1.4% to 4% in men and boys, and from 2.1% to 6.8% in women and girls. (McManus S, Gunnell D, Cooper C et al. (2019). Prevalence of non-suicidal self-harm and service contact in England, 2000-14: repeated cross-sectional surveys of the general population. The Lancet Psychiatry. 6:7 p573-581.)
Nationally, the rate of young people being admitted to hospital as a result of self-harm is increasing. This is not the case in Gateshead, where there is no significant trend. The admission rate is also similar to the England average. Nationally and in Gateshead, levels of self-harm are higher among young women than young men.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles)
Alcohol and mental health are closely linked. Drinking too much can affect your wellbeing and some people may drink to try to relieve the symptoms of mental ill-health.
(Mental Health Foundation. (2022). Alcohol and Mental Health.)
In Gateshead, there are more hospital admissions for alcohol specific conditions for young women aged under 18 than young men, with the total number of admissions falling since 2008/9.
Similar to alcohol, hospital admission rates due to substance misuse (15-24 years) has changed dramatically over time. Adolescent males saw an increase in the rates between 2010/11-12/13, peaking in 2013/14- 15/16. For substance misuse, hospital admission rates for males have now reduced to below those of females (since 2016/17-18/19).
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles)
Whilst hospital admissions rates for substance misuse is higher in females than males, drug related deaths are greater in males in Gateshead.
(Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) Public health profiles)
- There were 15 drug related female deaths in Gateshead between 2018 and 2020, which is 5.1 deaths per 100,000 persons.
- There were 51 drug related male deaths in Gateshead between 2018 and 2020, which is 17.6 deaths per 100,000 persons.
Life is full of decisions. Effective decision-making has the potential to influence positive thinking and enhance our mental health and wellbeing. For those living with mental health problems of any level, including anxiety or depression, decision-making can become more challenging. People end up having lower motivation to engage in activities that positively contribute to their wellbeing. This could include less motivation to go to school, do homework, or even get out of bed. Furthermore, women are more likely to feel unhappy, depressed and unable to overcome problems and a loss of self-confidence.
All of this impacts on their life decisions, life chances and life outcomes. Public mental health and wellbeing is well supported in Gateshead through strong partnerships and by taking a life-course approach. This support covers many activities, from brief interventions delivered by community organisations trained through the Making Every Contact Count programme, through to acute care provided by the NHS trusts.