Chapter 5: Create and develop sustainable places and communities
Violence against women and girls
Violence is not something that just happens, nor is it normal or acceptable in our society. Violence is preventable.
(Bellis MA, Hughes K, Perkins C and Bennett A (2012). Protecting people. Promoting health. A public health approach to violence prevention for England.)
The key influences that make individuals, families, and communities vulnerable to violence are changeable. This includes exposure to adverse childhood experiences as well as the environments in which we live, learn and work. Understanding these factors means we can develop and adopt new public health-based approaches to violence. Such approaches focus on stopping violence from occurring in the first place by reducing known risk factors and promoting the known protective factors throughout the life course.
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person's will and stems from socially recognised (such as gender based) differences between males, females, and people who do not conform with gender norms. GBV includes acts that inflict physical, mental, or sexual harm or suffering; threats of such acts; and coercion and other deprivations of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life. IASC Guidelines, 2015.
(IASC. (2015). IASC Guidelines for integrating gender-based violence interventions in humanitarian action)
In July 2021, the government launched its Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.
(Home Office. (2021). Tackling violence against women and girls strategy.)
Evidence presented in the strategy suggests that some forms of violence against women and girls are so commonplace that many women and girls don't even think they are worth reporting. This is the case for incidents like being grabbed, touched, and/or threatened by strangers.
Nationally, 20% of women are victims of sexual assault or attempted assault in their lifetime compared with 5% of men.
Over 27% of women aged 16+ had experienced domestic abuse compared with 14% of men. The rate of domestic abuse and crime has increased over time.
20% of women aged 16-74 years had experienced stalking compared with 10% of men.
Crimes such as rape, female genital mutilation, stalking, harassment and digital crimes such as cyberflashing, 'revenge porn' and 'up skirting' are taking place every day across the country. Reports to domestic abuse helplines continue to increase, with women and girls sharing their personal experiences of sexual abuse via Child safety online (opens new window).
A whole-system and whole-society response is needed to prevent violence. The government's Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy sits alongside the Domestic Abuse Act 2021,Gov.Uk (2021). Domestic Abuse Act 2021, and the Serious Violence Duty 2022.
(Home Office. (2022). Serious Violence Duty: Preventing and reducing serious violence. Statutory guidance for responsible authorities.)
Through all three, there is a real opportunity to reduce the prevalence of violence against women and girls, improve the support and response for victims and survivors and help agencies work together more effectively to address, and prevent, violence.
Gateshead Council has a statutory duty to:
- Establish and conduct Domestic Homicide Reviews where a death of a person aged 16 years or older has resulted from domestic abuse.
- Appoint a Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board
- Assess the need and publish a strategy for the provision of Safe Accommodation.
A wide range of circumstances relating to individuals, their relationships, and the communities and societies in which they live can act together to increase or reduce vulnerability to violence.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales showed that amongst adults aged 16 to 74 (March 2020):
(ONS. (2022). Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2022.)
- people with a disability are more than twice as likely to have been victims of domestic abuse, stalking or rape than people without a disability
- people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse than heterosexual people. This is also the case for stalking, sexual violence and rape
- people of mixed ethnicity are more likely to have been victims of crime than any other groups
- young people are most likely to be victims of violent crime
- Whilst men are more likely to be the victims of violence, for each age group, females are more likely to suffer sexual assault and threats of violence than males, more likely to experience longer periods of abuse, repeat victimisation, physical injury and emotional harm
The impact of violence is huge and affects those living in more disadvantaged areas the most. The negative impact can be long-lasting, damaging both physical and emotional health. Violence increases a person's risk of various health damaging behaviours, including further violence, and reduces their life prospects in terms of education, employment, and social and emotional wellbeing. Violence also prevents people using outdoor space and public transport and reduces the development of community cohesion.