Introduction: gender inequalities
Introduction: What is gender inequality and why does it exist?
"Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time." World Health Organization (WHO)
Gender is usually assigned to people usually based on the appearance of their sex characteristics at birth, whereas a person's sex refers to the 'biological characteristics' that define humans as female or male.
Gender is highly complex, constantly shifting and encompasses many categories beyond the binary idea of girl/boy. Gender diversity/nonconformity refers to 'the extent to which a person's gender identity, role or expression differs from the cultural norms prescribed for people of a particular sex'.
(World Health Organization (WHO))
Gender inequalities exist due to systemic and historic biases as well as discrimination. The socially constructed differences between women and men - including expectations of roles and responsibilities, as well as differences in patterns of employment and unpaid work - means that inequalities faced by women start at birth and follow them for life.
"Gender inequality and discrimination faced by women and girls puts their health and wellbeing at risk. Women and girls often face greater barriers than men and boys to accessing health information and services. These include restrictions on mobility; lack of access to decision-making power; lower literacy rates; discriminatory attitudes of communities and health care providers and lack of training and awareness amongst health care providers and health system of the specific health needs and challenges." World Health Organization (WHO)
Gender inequality is measured in the six domains shown below. This report will touch on these themes and how they impact on women in Gateshead.
We must also ensure we consider a wide set of principles that practice fairness and inclusion, addressing background inequalities and accepting that we do not all start from the same place.
(European Institute for Gender Equality. (2022). Gender Equality Index)
It's important to have policies and practices in any institution that directly prevent both explicit and hidden forms of inequity, and which challenge the many years of gender inequity in our society. (Equimundo. (2022). The State of UK Boys. Understanding and transforming gender in the lives of UK Boys. Washington, DC: Equimundo)
Improvements have been made through international commitment to advancing gender equality, including girls going to school, fewer girls forced into early marriage, more women serving in political and leadership positions, and laws that are being reformed. But despite our international progress, gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress:
- In some countries, discriminatory laws remain, as well as widespread social norms
- Women are still under-represented at all levels of political leadership
- Women, in general, perform a disproportionate share of unpaid domestic work
- Women are still paid less than men, a greater proportion of women work part time and women are more often unpaid carers
- Gender-based violence is a major public health, equality and human rights issue that cuts across all social groups
There is some evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic reduced many of the positive changes that had been made in the gender equality arena because the social and financial impact of the restrictions fell heavily on women. (EuroHealthNet. (2022). Gender, health, and inequalities before and after the pandemic: Where we go from here.)
In 2020, the UN Secretary urged governments to put women and girls at the centre of their Covid-19 recovery efforts. This was to ensure that the limited gains in gender equality and women's rights did not roll back due to the response of the pandemic.
(United Nations (2022). Covid-19 response. 'Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from Covid-19.')
It is important that as we work together across Gateshead to recover from the impact of Covid-19, we put women and girls at the centre of our health, wellbeing and economic recovery plans. This will enable us to drive forward more sustainable outcomes for all.
It's vitally important that we have gender equality in Gateshead. Not only because it is a fundamental human right, but because it is essential for a healthy society - from reducing poverty to promoting the health, education, protection and wellbeing of girls and boys.
Gateshead strives to be a place where everyone thrives, and where together, we are fighting for a better future through good jobs, homes, health and friends. Through our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we have made a commitment to work together with our communities and break down boundaries between organisations and services.
To deliver real change by working together across our whole system, we can enable the women and girls of Gateshead to lead prosperous and healthy lives and have true gender equality.
This report addresses gender inequalities and gender inequity in Gateshead through the Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities, taking a life-course approach.
Throughout the report, we will review the facts and figures, evaluate the progress that has been made in Gateshead to support women and girls and consider opportunities for action.