The Gateshead Plan
Start of the Conversation: the Gateshead Plan
We are at the beginning of preparing our new local plan. We wanted to start the conversation with you to know if we got it right in terms of the issues we need to address.
We consulted on the Start of the Conversation: the Gateshead Plan (PDF, 5 MB) from 6 November 2023 to 12 January 2024.
Thank you for your responses to the consultation.
A consultation feedback report (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window) has now been prepared which summarises the key messages from this consultation.
Next steps
Building on the success of the joint Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan, we will be working together with Newcastle City Council to prepare a new joint local plan. Joint working will help us to share knowledge and expertise as we develop a new plan for our area, and support the government's ambition to bring forward partnership working between Local Planning Authorities and Combined Authorities.
Your responses to the Start of the Conversation consultation will be used to shape the next local plan for Gateshead and Newcastle.
If you would like to be kept informed of future consultation, please contact us at
Our current local plan - The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (Parts 1 and 2) and Making Spaces for Growing Places (Part 3) still form Gateshead's adopted local plan until the new local plan is adopted.
Call for Sites
Alongside the Start of the Conversation consultation, we are also carrying out a Call for Sites to inform and support development of the Gateshead Plan. This is an opportunity for anyone (including residents, landowners, agents, and developers) to tell us your views on the future use of land and buildings in the borough. Where sites may no longer be required for their current use and could become available for development or redevelopment, we would like you to tell us.
This process will ensure that the council has up-to-date evidence of the availability and potential development sites across the borough.
Sites submitted in the previous call for sites (August to October 2022) will be considered and do not need to be resubmitted - where there is a change to the site boundary then the site will need to be resubmitted. Any other updates on sites previously submitted should be forwarded to clearly referencing the site in question.
This consultation has now ended. We are assessing the sites submitted and will publish the results in due course.