Waste and Recycling Visitor Education Centre

Our dedicated visitor centre at Campground Waste and Recycling Centre is available to all schools and community groups of Gateshead, Sunderland and South Tyneside.
Our offer
We offer a range of educational engagement programmes. Visitors will learn tips and tricks to reduce their waste and reuse common household items.
Some of the sessions and activities we offer include:
assemblies and community talks
food waste reduction workshops
local litter picks
junk modelling and craft sessions
tours of Campground's Waste Transfer Station and local Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)
tours of the Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Teesside.
We can tailor the sessions to fit your individual or curriculum requirements.
They can take place both within the centre or within local community settings.
Outdoor classroom
We have an outdoor classroom area. By introducing gardening and other outdoor activities visitors learn about the natural environment.
The garden has:
- a pond and dipping platform
- natural vegetation
- raised vegetable planting beds
- a sensory herb garden
- compost area
- bespoke wooden bench seating depicting reuse, recycle, and energy recovery images
- compost bins
- a greenhouse made from plastic bottles
Our aim
We promote positive attitudes towards the environment and reducing waste, reusing items at home, school or work.
We aim to highlight the importance of the 3R's, 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' by:
- explaining how to recycle correctly
- educating visitors about what happens to their recycling and general waste once it leaves their homes
- showing how we manage the waste you generate
- introducing sustainable waste management practices across households
- encouraging visitors to think about the amount of waste that they produce
- helping visitors to become more responsible recyclers.
Find out more
Since 2015, on average, we have engaged with over 4,700 visitors per year!
At certain times of the year, we will run specific initiatives based on local and national agendas, and seasonal campaigns.
If you have a project in mind, an event you wish to run, or a group that would benefit from waste and recycling education activities, then please get in touch.