Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028
Purpose of the Corporate Plan
This plan sets out our strategic approach and priorities for 2023-2028 so that employees, councillors, residents, partners and other stakeholders understand:
- the strategic priorities of the council - so that resources, delivery plans, strategies and operational activity can be aligned to them; and
- how the council will continue to transform and drive improvement in services to deliver our priorities and operate in the most effective, productive, and impactful way.
Supporting strategies and plans
This plan and the priorities in it are supported by a range of strategies and policies (both current and new) which set out how and what we will deliver, including:
- delivery strategies and policies - strategies (some of which are statutory plans) that set out detailed actions and outputs which will help deliver priorities for example Health and Wellbeing Strategy and many more.
- place-based strategies - for priority areas such as the Local Plan and River Tyne Renaissance
There are also plans and programmes which support and enable the council to deliver priorities in an effective, efficient, and productive way - including:
- the Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy sets out how the council's financial resources will be deployed. The Budget outlines the council's financial income and expenditure, and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy sets out how the council intends to deploy its financial resources
- plans to improve the council's effectiveness and modernise its ways of working, for example through its Workforce Development Strategy (PDF, 621 KB)
We will be developing a Delivery and Performance Plan which will outline the key actions, activity and metrics that support the delivery of the Corporate Plan priorities.