Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028
Tackling inequalities, so people have a fair chance
Poverty and deprivation still have too big an impact upon too many of our residents. We want to tackle those inequalities, so people have a fair chance to achieve their personal goals and ambitions. Our aim is to be a borough with reduced inequalities where residents having improved access to social and economic opportunities, enabling them to live fulfilling lives.
To truly enable our residents to Thrive we must create the conditions for fairness and equality - maximising the wellbeing of our communities.
Over the next two years we aim to further the actions set out within our Health and Wellbeing Strategy. In doing so strengthening the role of ill health prevention and ensuring a healthy standard of living for all.
We all what children to have the best start in life and will champion and support the delivery of high quality, inclusive education for Gateshead's children.
Through an integrated, intensive and effective offer, we aim to reduce the need for children and young people to come into our care.
Ensure all children and young people in our care have the best care and stable homes.
We will also improve outcomes for children with SEND through the delivery of strengthened and inclusive services alongside our local partners.