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Chapter 5: Give every child the best start in life

Early years

Early childhood, starting from conception to the age of two - the first 1,000 days, is a period when 90 per cent of brain development takes place which and is a crucial time for children's physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. What happens at this time in a child's life can have an impact on their adult lives. (House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee. (2019) First 1000 days of Life, Thirteenth Report of Session 2017-19. Parliament first 1000 days of life (opens new window))

At times during the pandemic, new parents have been unable to access face-to-face services or support from family and friends. They have experienced increased stresses, and opportunities for young families to socialise have been limited. We do not know yet how the pandemic has impacted the development of our youngest residents. 

The take-up of childcare has increased gradually since 1 June 2020; however, data shows that it has not returned to pre-pandemic levels, both in Gateshead and nationally. This is particularly evident in the number of eligible two year old children accessing their 15 hours free childcare entitlement, the eligibility criteria for which focuses on the most disadvantaged children. 5% fewer eligible children accessed their place in January 2021, than in January 2019.

We know that the early years are a crucial stage for improving life chances, with the poorest children already 11 months on average behind their better-off peers before they start school. Attending high quality early years provision provides a vital opportunity to narrow this gap before children start school.

Early Years providers are reporting that children's personal, social and emotional development, as well as their speech, language and communication skills are, in many cases, delayed as a result of the pandemic. Whilst planned support will help many of the children to reach typical levels of development before they reach statutory school age, this will not always be the case. Referrals to both health and education support services have increased significantly, often resulting in long waiting lists, and limited interventions. 
Sue Waugh, Senior Inspector, Gateshead Council 

New parents have missed out on that vital support. Users of the group have said that other users and the volunteers are 'like sisters' giving advice on health and wellbeing, issues that they had been missing out on during the pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic a lot of first time and single parents felt isolated and didn't know what support was available. Once they were able to come back to St. Chad's, they could again find that information. Socialisation is such an important part of passing on knowledge and information, so to have that back is amazing. 
Jemma Logan, Volunteer, St. Chad's Community Project