Chapter 5: Give every child the best start in life
Case study
Liz* had some pre-pandemic mental health issues alongside the ever-increasing pressures of the pandemic.
She already had pressures of a small household with limited living space for four children of varied ages, who were all coming into contact with Covid-19 and having to constantly self isolate. She contracted Covid-19 herself and was finding it difficult to support the children when feeling so unwell. The self-isolation periods put immense pressure on the family. The team at the hub remained in regular contact with emergency food parcels, gas and electricity support and gave ongoing advice on how to help manage Covid-19 restrictions and isolation periods.
Liz also struggled with the pressures of home schooling alongside financial pressures. With one child suffering from ADHD behavioural problems, the lockdown periods were difficult. The team completed a referral to the counselling service for ongoing support and befriending. Liz is making good progress with the ongoing support set up during Covid-19 lockdown.
*Name changed to protect anonymity.