Chapter 5: Give every child the best start in life
Young people's lockdown views
Extracts from Health and Wellbeing Consultation carried out by Youth Focus North East on behalf of Gateshead Council
Some young people have found some positives as well as negatives during lockdowns and social restrictions.
How did you feel during lockdown?
Loved the peace - space
Sick of the same four walls
Worried about the future
What was it like?
No routine
Got a new focus
Unable to celebrate
Not giving Nana a hug
Losing my job
Good times at home with my family
Some young people said...
Not the life changing event many adults/professionals have experienced.
A positive experience because they were not in the spaces and places where they were judged and bullied for example schools and colleges.
Connections were seen in a new light - the difference family, friends and being part of other groups really made.
But for others...
Missed the support from organisations and struggled with not being able to go to the places they used to.
Felt lost, frustrated and isolated because interactions and connections had disappeared.
Relationships brought challenge - the claustrophobia of being in the same four walls with the same people day after day.