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Chapter 7: Create fair employment and good work for all

The picture on unemployment

The beginning of the pandemic saw a massive shift in the world of work. People, who could, were instructed to work from home. Many lost their jobs and large numbers were furloughed as many businesses were unable to keep operating.  

Unemployment in the Gateshead Borough stood at 5,500 (5.5%)* for the period April 2019 to March 2020. By period January 2020 to December 2020 this had jumped to 6,500 (6.2%) and had only fallen slightly to 6,400 (6.1%) for the period April 2020 to March 2021 Figures (July 2020 to June 2021) show a rise again to 7,100 (7.0%).  

The Gateshead claimant count grew from 5,860 (4.6%)** in March 2020 to 8,970 or 7.1% in April 2020 peaking at a high of 9,800 (7.7%) in August and then very slowly declined as the virus and lockdowns persisted to 9,240 (7.3%) in April 2021.  

Young people (18-24) were amongst the hardest hit nationally and this was also reflected locally. The picture on unemployment. 

* numbers and % are for those aged 16 and over. % is a proportion of economically active
** % is number of claimants as a proportion of resident population of the same age
Source: NOMIS Official Labour Market Statistics, 2021 30  

"I am now working from home on my computer in the spare room. My husband has been furloughed. He has done lots of jobs round the house. "

"Nothing is the same. Everything is different. I started working from home on 17 March and was furloughed on 21 April. I'm now facing redundancy ... I have collected and delivered prescriptions to local people who are isolating. At first and still now (a bit), I feel I don't have a purpose or any self-belief or pride."

"Furloughed from work, daughter working from home. Schools closed. My son misses his friends, I just miss people. Worried I won't have a job to go back to. "

"I'm an unemployed single parent and can't look for work during the pandemic..."

Gateshead residents, Tyne & Wear Archives Lockdown Survey 2020, Acc. 5992

Employment was another area where we saw a big increase in advice demand. The peak of people seeking our advice on employment issues was earlier in the pandemic than for Universal Credit. Demand peaked in spring 2020. Before the first lockdown, we saw an average of 116 clients per month with employment issues, during the peak this almost doubled to 210 clients. Many people in this early wave wanted our advice on the pay and entitlements at work. Many also needed advice about the new Job Retention Scheme, also known as furlough. 
Judith Wood-Archer, Service Delivery Director, Citizen's Advice Gateshead 

It was a difficult time to be looking for work. 

Lucy's story

Working Gateshead helps residents access the right support at the right time for a fulfilling working life. Our free support helps people who are out of work, trying to secure their first job, in work and looking to change jobs, or just starting to think about work as an option.

Lucy* had been unemployed for three years and had very little confidence in her abilities. It made it difficult to know where or how to start looking for work. Working Gateshead meant Lucy didn't have to do it alone.

Due to Covid restrictions, Job Coach support was provided using telephone and video calls in order to look at career options; perform a 'better off calculation' to show the financial impact of starting work; personal coaching to build confidence; training to gain new skills. As Lucy's confidence grew, so did encouragement to apply for vacancies. Working together, they searched for jobs that would be a perfect match for Lucy's skills, personal goals and the hours she wanted to work.

After coaching on performing in interviews, Lucy became comfortable and confident talking to employers about what she had to offer, and soon secured a part time role which worked well with her childcare commitments. Lucy was provided with public health information about Covid to keep her safe and continued to receive support from her Job Coach throughout the pandemic; using technology to stay in touch and help her thrive in her new working life. *Name changed to protect anonymity. 
Christine Elliott, Operations Supervisor, Business, Employment and Skills, Economy, Innovation and Growth, Gateshead Council