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Chapter 7: Create fair employment and good work for all

The changing work environment

Depending on their circumstances, not everyone found working from home right for them. 

Lockdown happened, I basically lost most of my routine and structure. I still needed that structure, so I was still able to do my paid role whilst everyone was still off on lockdown and I helped keep the charity going. I needed the routine and the structure, and it helped me with my mental health and wellbeing. Shaun Vinnicombe, Social Media Assistant, Skills 4 Work (Gateshead) 

Key workers and those who could not work from home, continued to go into work, often facing increased exposure to Covid-19. 

"I am a nurse and so still go to work. However, due to Covid-19 I have been moved from my usual job..."

Gateshead residents, Tyne & Wear Archives Lockdown Survey 2020, Acc. 5992

It was a bit weird when the pandemic started. Everyone seemed to be panicking. Basically, we had to do our job and we just seemed to manage it. With people being at home there was lots of rubbish. We had to wear face masks and disposable gloves.

The service had to get people in from other services to help as some of the usual staff were shielding and there was more rubbish to collect.

We got amazing feedback from the community. It really made you feel appreciated. I wouldn't like to have been stuck in the house furloughing. I just wanted to get on with the job. 
Andrew Gibbons, HGV Driver, Gateshead Council