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Chapter 11: HL box 3 impact on self care and healthy behaviours

I'm a Geordie, an addict and living with HIV in Dunston. I know how it feels to be full of fear about a deadly virus; worried you could catch it, die from it, infect someone else and possibly kill them too. Fortunately, Gateshead Recovery Partnership helped me address my addiction issues in 2019 and Sexual Health services helped me clear the Hep C and get the HIV back under control (Undetectable, hence Uninfectious). I also found connection through 12-Step anonymous fellowships and HIV support groups.

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, I was terrified of catching another deadly virus and of the prospect of being isolated in my home again (where the worst of my drug addiction had taken place). But I had learnt to fight fear with faith, place trust in others for help, practice patience, find acceptance and follow suggestions (including Public Health guidelines).

The response from all the organisations supporting me was incredible. Telephone consultations with my GP Surgery, HIV Clinic, Psychotherapist and home delivery of medication kept me safe and well. Gateshead Recovery Partnership, Blue Sky Trust, Crisis Skylight and Narcotics Anonymous switched to online support groups I could attend from the comfort of my own living room. I suddenly found connection all around the world with other human beings with shared experiences, giving each other strength and hope. Food bank home deliveries were also greatly appreciated. And I got to talk to neighbours more from a safe distance over the garden fence. I even had the godsend of a local cat that started hanging about for company.

Anonymous Gateshead resident