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Chapter 11: How big is your 'us'

I want to ask a question, how big is your 'us'?

How big is your 'us'

Our secret weapon in the fight against Covid-19 has been our communities up and down the country. This report shows how they have come together to support each other, deliver food to those in need, and look after the vulnerable in their neighbourhoods and beyond. Many came together unaided, independent and unfettered by process and bureaucracy.

Public health is defined as 'the art and science of promoting health through the organised efforts of society.' (Acheson ,1988) (Acheson D. Public health in England. The report of the committee of inquiry into the future development of the public health function. London, HMSO, 1988.), (WHO) WHO - health topics (opens new window)

During the pandemic, we have observed, in a very tangible way, what can be achieved when people come together.

Covid-19 gave us a collective goal and a greater sense of 'us'. At least initially. Even if an individual's ultimate goal was to protect the 'small us' of 'me and my family', it was understood that we could only do this by working together.

We had to shift our focus and look at the bigger picture. We saw how Covid-19 did not respect national borders as new strains spread rapidly across the world. Furthermore, when it comes to vaccination, we know it's not enough to concentrate solely on the UK coverage, but instead we need to support international efforts to maximise uptake globally. Not only is it the right thing to do but their 'us' affects our 'us'. From the perspective of infectious disease, there is little point in having a 'small us'.

I do wonder why it took a crisis to push us as a society to look at the 'bigger us'.

Was it just because their 'us' impacted our 'us'? Or did we suddenly see the needs of others around us in a different way?

n my view, the level of health and social inequalities exposed and intensified by the pandemic is morally unacceptable. But there is also so much evidence that inequalities are bad for us all. Countries which have the greatest levels of inequality are also the countries where crime, and particularly violent crime, is higher, child well-being is lower and community cohesion is minimal. (Wilkinson, R and Pickett K (2019) The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Everybody's Wellbeing" London: Penguin)

As we look back at our Covid-19 experiences, both now and in the future, we must reflect not only on the things we have done well, but critically the things we could have done better; particularly focusing on how the impact of Covid-19 might have been different if we lived in a more equal world. If we are serious about tackling the legacy of Covid-19, preventing disease, increasing life expectancy and promoting better health, there needs to be sustained and widespread support to keep our focus on the 'bigger us'. There needs to be a shared understanding, across society, of the need to come together to tackle inequalities and disadvantage beyond the pandemic, in the knowledge that this will benefit us all.

I don't want to see people in my community struggling. Everyone deserves to thrive. 

Next - Chapter 12: Our teacher called Covid