Health protection

Age UK falls prevention
Get the 'Staying 'steady' guide.
Age UK health and wellbeing
Get information on age-related health conditions, tips and advice on staying fit and healthy, as well as information on dealing with health services and leaving...
Age UK winter health tips
Get cold weather advice to help you stay warm and healthy throughout the winter months.
Cancer research UK - sun smart
Advice and information about sun safety.
Child accident prevention trust
A UK charity to focused on preventing death and serious injury to children from avoidable accidents.
Gov.UK heating and housing benefits
Find out if you are entitled to help with staying warm in the winter.
Health and safety executive
The national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness.
NHS A to Z of health
A to Z of conditions, their causes and treatments.
NHS advice about Covid
Get NHS advice about COVID-19, including its symptoms, looking after yourself at home, how to avoid catching and spreading it, treatments, vaccinations and long...
NHS health check
Find out about the free NHS Health Check that can spot early signs and help prevent these happening to you, which means you'll be more likely to enjoy life for...
NHS screening
Overview of screening, with links to the different types of screening offered by the NHS in England.
NHS vaccinations
A guide to help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them.
ROS Bone health checklist
Reduce your risk of osteoporosis and broken bones.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA)
Skills and knowledge to reduce serious accidental injuries.