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Section 2: Economic inequality in Gateshead

Case study: Horizon furniture

"I am a 41-year-old man who worked from the age of 15 until I suffered a traumatic brain injury at 36. I had always dreamed of working for myself; alongside my full-time job, I had several ventures buying and selling new and used products on eBay.

Now that ongoing health issues affect my everyday life, I figured going back to a structured 9 to 5 job would not work for me or an employer. This rekindled interest in working for myself.

Via the Job Centre, I discovered the New Enterprise Allowance programme, which helps people on benefits to start their own business. It has truly been the best thing that could have happened to me. Before I was put in touch with Carol, all doors to any help had seemed shut and double locked, but she worked patiently with me throughout the business planning process to ensure I was accepted onto the scheme. I was given lots of written information that I could read and refer to because Carol understood that my brain injury had left me with memory issues. She has stayed in touch and helped to promote my used furniture business. 'Horizon Furnishings' continues to grow steadily, and with Carol's, help I hope to expand in the near future."

Securing investment in Gateshead is fundamental to improving the quantity and quality of local employment opportunities. One of the ways to achieve this ambition is through our capital programme, which brings together public and private investment to build the homes, workspaces, local amenities, and infrastructure our communities need to thrive. This activity is expected to create thousands of job opportunities between now and 2030.

Major schemes in the pipeline starting in 2021 include:

  • The £260 million development of Gateshead Quays, including a 12,500-seat arena, conference and exhibition centre, new hotels, green spaces, and improved links to Gateshead town centre, generating over 1200 jobs.
  • Bringing forward land to develop 225,000sqm of industrial and distribution space that will provide up to 1,500 jobs in the distribution, logistics and manufacturing sector. As a designated Enterprise Zone, Follingsby has benefited from essential infrastructure necessary to facilitate commercial development of the site.

The council has a strong track record of using its influence and powers to generate community benefits from development taking place across the borough. Expanding the range of employment and training opportunities available to Gateshead residents is a prime objective. These outcomes are achieved by the council working collaboratively with partners and employers to enable the hiring of a diverse local workforce.

As well as creating more and better quality jobs, readiness for employment is essential if residents are to benefit from future opportunities, particularly those furthest from the labour market. This can require intensive employability support over several years, so long-term forward planning is essential. 

Skills brokerage and employability support is provided to help unemployed or economically inactive residents to access training and employment opportunities with companies investing in the borough or overcome multiple barriers to work. As residents begin to reap the financial benefits of moving into employment, the increased money they spend locally helps to support businesses, retain jobs, and reduce demand on public services.