Section 4: Impacts of food and financial insecurity
'Fill the Gap' (Holiday Hunger) programme
For families of low income in Gateshead, the holidays, particularly the summer holidays, can be a very difficult time; causing stress, isolation, poor health and food insecurity. Poverty can be a real problem for families who normally receive free school meals.
There is evidence both locally and nationally that food banks experience a peak in demand during school holidays. As part of a DfE National Programme, Voluntary organisations and community groups participating in the 'Fill the Holiday Gap' scheme try to address these challenges by delivering a range of stimulating activities or experiences for children, providing children with a nutritious meal, a place for parents and children to socialise and providing parents with support. In 2019 holiday clubs with lunches benefited 2,020 children across 39 projects.
In 2019 Gateshead Council successfully bid for Department of Education Funding and received £204K to provide holiday clubs with a meal, targeting disadvantaged children and those eligible for free school meals.
In 2019 local holiday clubs served 2,000 different children over 8,000 meals. Holiday hunger projects continue to be supported in Gateshead, targeting those families most in need.