Section 6: Inequalities and COVID-19
Access to care
Access to healthcare is lower in our disadvantaged and marginalised communities, and amongst rural communities. In England, the number of patients per general practitioner is 15% higher in the most deprived areas than that in the least deprived areas. (The COVID-19 Pandemic and health inequalities. 2020: jech2020-214401 - Bambra C, Riordan R, Ford J, Matthews F. (opens new window)) This reduced access to healthcare, before and during the outbreak, contributes to health inequalities.
People with existing chronic conditions are less likely to receive treatment and diagnosis during the pandemic as health services have had to focus on the COVID-19 emergency. We expect that there will be significant knock on effects caused by COVID-19 delays to elective surgery, cancer treatment and ongoing management of long-term conditions.