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Types of occupied properties that are exempt

Some properties qualify for an exemption even if they are occupied. 

Exemption list
ClassProperty descriptionApply
MStudents' halls of residenceFind out more and apply. (PDF, 74 KB)
NProperty where all residents are full-time studentsFind out more and apply.
OUK Armed Forces accommodationFind out more and apply. (PDF, 74 KB)
PVisiting forces accommodationFind out more and apply. (PDF, 74 KB)
SProperty where all residents are under 18 years of ageFind out more and apply. (PDF, 74 KB)
UProperty where all residents are severely mentally impairedFind out more and apply. (PDF, 196 KB)
VProperty where all residents have diplomatic privilege or immunityFind out more and apply. (PDF, 74 KB)
WOccupied annexe to an occupied dwellingFind out more and apply. (PDF, 192 KB)

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Council Tax
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3600