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'Disregarded' people

A full Council Tax bill for an occupied property is worked out assuming at least two adults are living there. Some adults are not counted and can qualify for a 'discount disregard'. The table below shows how a bill would be calculated.

How your bill is calculated
Number of adults living in the propertyNumber of adults who are not countedCouncil Tax discount %

Some types of disregarded people qualify for a 100% exemption. These are highlighted in bold below.

Exemption categories
People not counted (discount disregard)DescriptionApply
Person in detentionPeople detained by order of a court. This applies whether they are in prison, in a hospital, or in any other place. This discount disregard lasts for the period of detention.Apply - person in detention  (PDF, 189 KB)(opens new window)
Severely mentally impaired

The severely mentally impaired person must be entitled to a qualifying state benefit and a medical practitioner must confirm their severe mental impairment.

Find out more and apply

Person for whom Child Benefit is payableWhere a person has reached the age of 18 but Child Benefit is still payable for them.Apply for discount (PDF, 194 KB)(opens new window)
School and college leaversAny person aged 18 or 19 who leaves school or college between 1 May and 31 October in any year. Before they left they must have been studying a qualifying course of education. An A level is an example of a qualifying course of education.Apply for discount (PDF, 194 KB)(opens new window)

Students are not counted for Council Tax purposes.

Find out more and apply
Non-British spouses of student

A spouse or dependant of a student. They must be:

a) not a British Citizen

b) prevented from taking paid employment or from claiming benefits while in the UK

Apply for discount (PDF, 191 KB)(opens new window)

Employed for the purposes of learning a trade, business or profession. They must be:

a) doing a qualification approved by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority

b) employed at a salary of no more than £195 per week

Apply for discount (PDF, 211 KB)(opens new window)
Youth Training traineesUnder 25 years of age and doing training funded by the Learning Skills Council for England.Apply for discount (PDF, 202 KB)(opens new window)
Hospital patientsA person who has their main home in a NHS hospital. This class only applies to a hospital with a valuation band. It does not apply to a private dwelling.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Patients in homesA person living in a residential care home, nursing home, mental nursing home or hostel. This class only applies to homes or hostels with a valuation band. It does not apply to private dwellings.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Care workers who are paid

A carer must be: 

a) providing care through a connection with Crown/charity/local authority

b) employed for at least 24 hours a week

c) paid no more than £44 per week

d) living where the care is provided or in premises provided for the care

Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Care workers who are not paid

A carer must be: 

a) providing care for a person entitled to certain state benefits

b) living in the same property as the person receiving care

c) providing care for at least 35 hours a week

d) not the spouse or partner of the person receiving care

e) not the parent if the person receiving care is under 18

Apply for discount (PDF, 195 KB)(opens new window)
Residents of hostels for the homeless or night sheltersAny person living in accommodation for the homeless.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Members and dependants of international headquarters and defence organisations

Any person (and dependant) who is a member of: 

a) an international headquarters

b) a defence organisation

Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Members of religious communitiesThe principal occupation is prayer, contemplation, education, relief of suffering or any combination of these. To qualify each person must have no income or capital of their own.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Members and dependants of visiting forcesMember of a visiting force or a member of a civilian component of a visiting force.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
Person with diplomatic privilege or immunityAny person with diplomatic privileges and immunities.Apply for discount (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)


Contact us

Council Tax
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3600