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Profit Before People: The commercial determinants of health and lessons from the tobacco epidemic (2023)

Case study: The personal cost of alcohol

Karen Slater, 55, is a Newcastle mum of four. She experienced alcohol harm firsthand when she grew up around alcohol in a hostile and dangerous environment. She was a victim of child abuse and domestic violence and sought solace in alcohol, drugs and self-harm. Karen recalls living in a deprived area, feeling isolated and alone, and believing that alcohol was the solution. 

Karen said: "I already feel bombarded by the adverts of alcohol that come into my home and give out the message that alcohol is pleasurable and that it brings families together for the Christmas festivities. You can't move around a supermarket for piles and piles of alcohol.

"But alcohol advertising is insidious. It comes on the TV and looks really glamorous with the pink drinks - but it is a drug that is addictive. There are millions of people trying to battle alcohol and yet we are watching it on TV. Every night there are adverts, and as soon as you've seen that advert you think about it. For someone having a bad day or a bad moment that could trigger a relapse."

She added: "My reality and thousands of others is the exact opposite. If you've experienced alcohol problems, Christmas in the real world away from the alluring adverts of alcohol can be one of drink fuelled isolation, domestic violence, child neglect and A&E being overrun by drunken people.

"People who are alcohol dependent live lives constantly like this. The adverts never show that struggle and I feel they shouldn't be allowed to come into my home when I've never gave permission. My home is my haven. I'm in recovery. "

Karen shared her story with Balance as part of a media campaign for better regulation of alcohol advertising.